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Everything posted by Syrio

  1. I wanted to ask you a question. I created a server Vietcong 2 for 14 slots but when I press start changing into 10 slots. This is my configuration: Latest.srv [serverSettings] srv.name = New server for you! srv.msgofday = Welcome! srv.ip = xx.xxx.xx.xxx srv.port = 5000 srv.remconip = srv.remconport = 5100 srv.maxclns = 14 srv.hradba = 1 srv.hbautoupdate = 1 srv.hbuploadlimit = 8 srv.password = srv.adminpassword = SOK srv.rpg.filename = cfg/default.rpg srv.cpufriendly = 1 srv.friendlyfire = 75 srv.vehiclesdisabled = 0 srv.rpg = 1 srv.vietnammode = 0 srv.respinvulner = 3 srv.autobalance = 0 srv.mwplimit = 6 srv.kickidle = 0 srv.kickteamkill = 3 srv.banteamkill = 0 srv.kickhighping = 0 srv.voting.nextmap = 1 srv.voting.changemap = 1 srv.voting.restartmap = 1 srv.voting.kickplayer = 1 srv.voting.banplayer = 1 srv.voting.clninterval = 30 srv.chatdead = 1 srv.chatspectator = 0 srv.blindspectator = 0 [Mutator 0] deffile = blackdead [Mutator 1] deffile = airstriketime airstriketime.mult = 100 [Mutator 2] deffile = classlimit classlimit.engineer = 100 classlimit.medic = 100 classlimit.machinegunner = 100 classlimit.marine = 100 classlimit.radioman = 100 classlimit.sniper = 100 classlimit.commando = 100 [Map0] map = bridge.ini, assault assault.endrule.time = 30 assault.endrule.teamscore = 5 assault.reinforcement = 1 assault.round.time = 5 assault.respawn.objects = 30 assault.respawn.vehicles = 30 Can someone kindly give me the configuration for TCAdmin2? thank you very much
  2. Hello guys. I need a little help. In call of duty 2 I would rename the server.cfg file in another name and create a commandline going to run the new file. So... in cod2 (general settings) I created a new variable by calling "exec". in "commandline parameter options" I have set these values: Item Type: text box Label: + exec Mode: SingleLine Wrap: enabled Parameter Template: + exec! [Exec] I have saved. I created a command line by entering the name of the file to be read but the server is not working. The error is: xx.xxx.xxx.xx is not responding to queries. Surely it is a stupid mistake but I'm not understanding anything: D
  3. hello, login to your server via remote desktop and start cod2 manually and see if there are errors.
  4. Hi! If you have windows you have to set the first network configuration. - Open the center of the network connection and sharing - Local Area Connection (LAN) - Property - Select Internet Protocol IPv4 - Advanced - On the first screen (IP addresses) you should see your primary address - Click add Now enter the IP with the subnet mask Repeat this procedure for all IP addresses that you have been assigned to the machine. When you're done TCAdmin enters the panel and go to the "server management" and press Servers Click on the server you want to add the IP addresses Click on the icon at the bottom of the page called "Server IPs" Press the button labeled "Import IPs (v4)" You'll see all the IP addresses appear that you previously configured in windows. Good luck!
  5. Hi! I have a problem to operate properly Minecraft. When I start the server seems to work fine, but I find this error in the Web console: 2012-03-29 18:41:05 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.4 2012-03-29 18:41:05 [iNFO] Loading properties 2012-03-29 18:41:05 [iNFO] Starting Minecraft server on xx.xx.x.xxx:25565 2012-03-29 18:41:05 [iNFO] Preparing level "world" 2012-03-29 18:41:05 [iNFO] Default game type: 0 2012-03-29 18:41:05 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 0 2012-03-29 18:41:05 [iNFO] Done (476076708ns)! For help, type "help" or "?" 2012-03-29 18:41:13 [iNFO] /xx.xx.x.xxx:54360 lost connection The java is installed. My panel is TCAdmin2 Thanks!
  6. Hello guys! I'm looking at the internet "command line" for serious sam 3 but can not find it. Someone could share the game config files for tca2? Thanks to all!
  7. Hello guys! I'm trying to install the server tca1 dedicated "sniper ghost warrior" but I can not find the command line to start it properly. Someone managed to get it working properly? Thank you in advance!
  8. Hello I have a problem. I created some server configuration attached earlier but I see only one server in the browser MW3 All servers created work but I can not solve this problem. I added the script tcadmin: netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%gameserverexe%" %serverip%_%serverport% ENABLE My command line is this: +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_queryPort %customport1% +set net_masterServerPort %serverport% +set net_port %customport2% +set net_authPort 8766 +set sv_config server.cfg +set sv_maxclients %slots% +start_map_rotate
  9. I was referring more to the configuration of MW3 which was attached before. However, I solved the problem. thanks
  10. Hello guys. I have a problem. Enabling the steam game updates can not make me any updates and tells me "No records fount at instllation". Do you have any idea? Thank you!
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