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Everything posted by toh192

  1. Hola se?or, ?Qu? es exactamente est?s tratando de lograr? ?Ha actualizado a la ?ltima versi?n? ?2.0.33? Detalles m?s necesarios. gracias
  2. What your saying is your want it always to display your logo? Just edit the theme. If you want the reseller to have his own logo, you should copy the theme and edit it for them. Just edit the theme. If you want the reseller to be shown your logo and his sub users to be shown his/her's logo. Do some work with the themes. I'm not sure what kind of bug you are talking about. Heck I cant even tell what you are trying to do.
  3. You are the one who started trolling with someone instead of politely telling him he posted in the wrong place. If you choose to represent your company and start fights with your overseas competition that's your business. But don't call me a troll for pointing out you look like a jerk.
  4. That's professional use of sarcasm at an unprofessional level.
  5. I would think you would use the same as any unreal 3 server. But that's just a guess. I plan to set up ro2 by the weekend. My test build is in transit.
  6. AFAIK They will be separate ftp accounts if the services are on separate servers. RTFM ~END OF.
  7. I would second it if Zeroc didn't want licensing fees for ice. I think that killed integration like you proposed.
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