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Everything posted by Sylvert

  1. Hi I have a problem with 2.0 when entering TCAdmin certain areas, I get the following error "Cannot find any bindable properties in an item from the datasource" PD: I have already installed. net framework 4.0 logs.txt.txt
  2. thank you and I do if( mysql_num_rows( $r ) ) { if( $m = mysql_fetch_array( $r ) ) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($m['players_xml']); } }
  3. I try to do the following: if( mysql_num_rows( $r ) ) if( $m = mysql_fetch_array( $r ) ) $xml = $m['players_xml'] foreach( $xml as $item ) { echo( 'Name: '. $item->name ); } It does not work, get the following error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in servers.php on line 52
  4. Hello, I had a problem trying to load the column "players_xml" table "tc_game_service_live_stats" to show the players in a php page. Does anyone could explain how I would have to do to upload a php website and display it?
  5. Hello, I have a question on how to obtain information from the servers of a particular customer. How could adapt the following query to only show me of a particular customer? SELECT a.ip_address, a.game_port, b.* FROM tc_game_services a, tc_game_service_live_stats b WHERE online = 1 AND a.service_id = b.service_id;
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