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TCAdmin Developer
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Everything posted by LFA

  1. Use the OS that you are most comfortable with.
  2. Have you tried with mono 2.10.6? Updated packages are available here: http://help.tcadmin.com/Mono Update instructions are here: http://help.tcadmin.com/Mono_Update
  3. Create a support ticket with the login for your server so I can take a look.
  4. LFA

    CPU Usage?

    In the current version the service manager keeps track of cpu and memory usage of all services in real time (similar to the task manager). This causes the high cpu usage by the service manager if you have lots of services on that server. If you have a service that is disabled the game monitor will keep trying to process the query monitoring rules every second. This causes the high cpu usage by the monitor if you have a few disabled services. The next update will fix both of these bugs.
  5. Just open the monitor's standard and secure ports in Windows firewall. You can also enable windows firewall integration in the server settings and restart the monitor.
  6. Create a support ticket with a file that can't be viewed or saved correctly using the text editor. I created a test file with unicode encoding. The file manager detects the correct encoding. I can save the file and it keeps the correct characters.
  7. Did you restart the tcadmin monitor after uninstalling filezilla? Start > Administrative Tools > Services. Look for the service named TCAdmin Monitor and restart. If it still doesn't work stop the service and start it in console mode. Make sure the ftp server starts without errors.
  8. This will be available in the next update. This is a security risk but the feature can be disabled in the configuration utility.
  9. Does it always get stuck on a specific game, service or server? Try with version 2.0.34
  10. New Features Added options to download games from a URL. Some game configs that have publicly available dedicated servers have been updated to download and install the files automatically. You can download them from HERE. You must accept the game's license agreement the first time you create a service. The Mod's filename can be set to a URL. When a URL is specified it will get downloaded instead of using local files. Mod filename can be a file that is not compressed (for example .jar) Added support for custom FTP servers. The servers can be configured to download files from the FTP servers. Added option to force the config editor when creating and reinstalling a service. This is configured in the game's general settings. The games that can be created by resellers and the billing API can be specified for each server. Added slot and service limit to server settings. Before selecting a server the billing api checks if the IP and ports are available. Added support for Murmur query. Update your Murmur configs with the new query protocol. Service browser supports the "write" commandline parameter. This command writes to the service's text console. The TCAdmin Update is now a task so you can see the process and any error that occurs. Bug Fixes Error when creating a game server and a blank config file was written. Duplicate emails sent by the game monitor. Server IP not updated in configs when changed in the service settings. winpcap/libpcap error crashes the service manager. Error when creating a service and uncompressed files are copied from Linux to Windows. Error when "Only use the server's primary IP" is checked and primary IP was not added to IP list. Crashed Service launcher process causes the service manager to hang. Displayed value of Teamspeak slots was not updated when slots were upgraded/downgraded using the billing API. Access denied error when subadmin views a service and role does not have permission to view users. Fixed some bugs with Steam game downloads. MySQL database backup fails if user is not root. Action settings not saved when creating a recurring task.
  11. LFA

    TS3 delete error

    Try unchecking "Run as a TCAdmin service". Click on Save. Then try to delete.
  12. That is how should work. The "Default" commandline in predefined commandlines is just the name that the user sees. It can be named anything. It does not necessarily need to be exactly the same as the default commandline specified above and it isn't even required to have any predefined commandlines.
  13. Log in as the reseller and go to General Settings > API Settings.
  14. Start error usually means the process was started but it closed right away. You need to run it manually with the same command line that tcadmin is using so you can view the game console and figure out what's wrong: http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services
  15. You can add the folder yourself. Click on My Profile > FTP Settings > Add a virtual directory named Games pointing to the games folder.
  16. 1- This is coming in 2.0.34 2- This is in the list of things to do
  17. The reseller must enable the billing api in his configuration.
  18. This is added to the list of things to do along with the force read option you mentioned.
  19. After you have configured the monitor as a remote monitor it does not load the tcadmin control panel website anymore so there is no config utility. If you want to reconfigure your server all you have to do is generate a new ConfigUtility.config for the remote, save to the remote's tcadmin\Monitor folder and restart the monitor.
  20. It will hang and use over 100% CPU.
  21. It's with mono but I don't know if it happens on real hardware or just on vmware.
  22. That is how I configured an update and it did not delete the other files. Do you have a custom script for the update that would delete the files?
  23. I have confirmed this bug but only on VMWARE not on actual hardware. Try 64bit. If it doesn't work create a support ticket and I will help you getting 32bit mono installed.
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