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  1. Update your gameconfig to use steamcmd. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8011
  2. Ohh, and here's the thread with the updated files for both win and nix. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8011
  3. It is availabe in the preconfigured list. At least the last updated one. Anyway, here is one for linux. CS-GO - Linux.xml
  4. Hi, I have been using tcadmin for a while now to handle my TS3 hosting. A few gameservers has been installed just for testing, but as i don't have the same expirience i would like to hear from you how you handle security and updates. 1. The users upload files that compromise the server. I have seen the filename limitation but is it enough and does it cover both filebrowser and FTP? 2. The users change their config and hijack other users gameports. 3. Mods in general. Do you only allow mods installed though the CP or allow FTP/Filebrowser upload of them. Also here, how do you prevent users to use the same ports as others for mods and how is security on mods. 4. Updates. Do users update manually through the steamcmd or do you create a update package? I hope you understand my thoughts and can help me clarify a bit. Thanks in advance. Sylvester Nielsen
  5. cbox

    Danish REQ

    We could also use a Danish version. I can see there's a few DK companies already using tcadmin with translations. Anyone willing to provide it to the public? We have translated the Teamspeak and basic part as we only use it for our teamspeak server hosting.
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