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Everything posted by Noony

  1. Noony

    Boostrap Theme

    The icons in menu are 16x16 as is the info icon and the logo is 230 x 45 I have updated the theme to fix a few color issues and made some improvements (bumped up the font size etc)
  2. Noony

    Boostrap Theme

    Heres my bootstrapish theme. Enjoy! (you'll have to get your own icons ) boostraptheme.zip
  3. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Added a fading info bar. What you think?
  4. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Doesn't appear to work with custom header html.
  5. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Check the url your using for your logo. I believe it needs to be in your theme folder i.e: /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel/User_Themes/1/*your-theme-id-here*/logo.png
  6. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Settings > Themes > *your theme name* > Advanced > at the bottom there's a button which says 'Custom Css' upload the .css file thats in the .zip there then copy whats in the header.txt file to the Header HTML text box just above. If you want a background image on the login page edit the very first css entry in the file.
  7. Add this to your custom CSS file. span#ctl00_PanelInfo { visibility: hidden; }
  8. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Thanks. The icons are 32x32
  9. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Finished the theme! CSS file is attached if anyone wants it. Change the background url at the top of the CSS file if you want a background image on the login page.
  10. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Thanks! Yea I'm not too sure about them either but Im going for a dark shadowy theme . Btw I really like your theme. Heres some more greyness changes: And messed with the login screen:
  11. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Hey all here's my theme I've started working on. Let me know what you think. shadowtcadmin.zip
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