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Everything posted by RavockServers

  1. +1 I am not sure why this feature wasn't 1 of the first features in V2. This feature was 1 of the features that made V1 great and is making me consider going back to V1. Can only hope this gets added in the next update. Add Subusers to a poll against other features and I am sure it will triumph.
  2. I 2nd the suggestions for the mods. A decent uninstall system would be nice. External updates were discussed in another topic and the general consensus was that it would be too risky. The blocking of a mod/update removal would be a royal pain for providers and would only cause problems.
  3. This is something you would do in your billing panel rather than TCA. I know WHMCS has features for this but ultimately you just want to use a load balancing rule such as install server on machine with the lowest load. Honestly it doesn't matter if you have x slots on a server because the load isn't based off the slots.
  4. Try running it has Local System instead of TCAGame.
  5. Not the right place for this topic. However your best bet is calling them. You have a better chance at winning the lotto than getting a email back from Dice.
  6. I used the v1 config they provided and it was super easy. All you have to do was change the ENTERYOURKEY spots in the command lines and set the min,max, and default slots. Works great with TCA2.
  7. Yes. But same goes for adding it to the game updates list. Sure an admin could try it locally and then add it if all is well but there are ways of wrapping a virus to an application so it might not even be noticeable until later. I don't know about others here but sure its a pain to restore backups and reconfigure a server but that can all be done in a hour or less. It would be the host's choice to use such a feature or not and would you rather lose hundreds of customers because of delayed updates just because of the off chance a publisher might be hacked?
  8. Completely agree. I was just using that as an example but I have a a script running on a separate server that downloads the files(If the RSS feed shows an update) and checks them for viruses after download.
  9. It would be a predefined link set in the game types config. Broadening the possibilities to achieve such an idea is a great way to come up with a method of doing such a thing.
  10. I have attached a terraria config that seems to work so far. Besides having a automated method of updating it should be fully functional. The config file isn't used at all and its set to use the primary ip. Anyhow see what you guys can do with it and post back if you figure out how to set up a auto updater. terraria - Windows.xml
  11. Perhaps allowing an http downloader. Simple enough to add just 4 lines of code. It would help in cases like Terraria where the only way to update server files is to download it from their site. Doesn't have to directly point to anything just add a line that allows us to insert a link in the config or something. Or allow us default/custom variables in scripts. If there is a feature to do something like this I haven't found it yet in TCAdmin 2.
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