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  1. Sorry halflife 2 new port 27016 I tried your default setup using 2303 it does not work. Unless it's a firewall issue maybe need to open more ports.
  2. How much you looking to spend on a V2 License I may have one for sale, the update fee is due on it.

  3. Here's one it has 3 default command lines so the client can change the default starting map. There's 3 different modes/maps based off player count 64,32 and 16 players. ro2v - Windows.xml
  4. Try making one from the RO2 or RS cfg file it's the same game.
  5. Don't forget the $ character: MULTIHOME=$[service.IpAddress]? Also you need to create an additional firewall rule for windows, the default setup does not allow access to the ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe file netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Conan Server on%ThisService_IpAddress%" dir=in action=allow program="%ThisService_RootDirectory%ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe" enable=yes
  6. proclan

    ip assignment

    TCAdmin Version:2.10.0 Operating System: Win 2008 64bit Machine Specs: E3-1270 16 gig memory Database Type:MySql I have noticed this in the past but forgot to bring it up. We de-select an ip on a server for example only used for voice servers. Then if you go into the server information tab for a game server and attempt to change the ip the ip you selected for voice only shows up in the drop down menu. I believe this ip should be excluded from that option.
  7. what would you like to know ?

  8. I think all three of you did not answer his question. He wants to sell a sql db option with his game servers and have the cfg to create it. What you want to do is install a tool like xampp on one of your remotes or master if you do not have any remotes yet, then create a bat script to create a db,user and import any db files if needed. I believe there's an article on this forum already that has a couple examples of how to create the bat script.
  9. You have to be a licensed provider to host that game, otherwise purchase a licensed game for each install you host.
  10. The devs configured the server to allow max spectators to 8 so the server still could get shut down by only allowing 2. 24+ 8 will work.
  11. use appid: 203290 like NoDoze posted the DefaultGame.ini file is used for updates by the army so if they change any settings it will be over written and applied to your AAGame.ini file and it does not launch the game. it's a rather buggy setup since it changes the hostname/password every time the server is updated. You can create a short cut using the AAlauncher32 and add [space]/DS to the target parameter before you launch it on the desktop. Create an instance,add your settings, and start it, then it will generate an AAGame.ini file and a few others for you in a folder AAPG\AAGame\Config\AAHostAServerConfig0. Take all of these files and copy them into your AAPG\AAGame\Config (remove the default ones) folder and your good to go. At the bottom of the AAGame.ini file you will see some code like this: [iniVersion] 0=1439597829.000000 1=1450384201.000000 remove it and save the file. Game Port:7778 Query Port:27020 Rcon Port:7778 Custom Port 1: 9010 <--- PB web tool
  12. http://redirect.lon.gameservers.com/ 404 Not Found That is your problem
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