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Conversation Superstar

Conversation Superstar (5/8)



  1. in the beta this works for me but dont know now but you can try it! NS2 - Windows.xml
  2. check if you have complete that here! startfile: ./cod4_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set fs_basepath ./ +set fs_homepath ./ +map mp_crossfire +set sv_punkbuster 1 -console
  3. By me looks so and runnning without probs: Startfile: ./cod4_lnxded Startparameter: +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set fs_basepath ./ +set fs_homepath ./ +map mp_backlot +set sv_punkbuster 1 -console +set fs_game mods/promodlive211
  4. and its better to run 1000 Mbit Uplink instead of 100 :-)
  5. for competitive working gamemodes_server.txt: with mg_bomb: // To use this file, rename it to GameModes_Server.txt // // Values here override the default gamemodes.txt "GameModes_Server.txt" { "gameTypes" { "classic" { "gameModes" { "competitive" { "exec" { "exec" "esl5on5.cfg" } "mapgroupsMP" // List of mapgroups valid for this game mode { "mg_bomb" "" } } } } } "mapgroups" { "mg_bomb" { "name" "mg_bomb" "imagename" "mapgroup-bomb" "nameID" "#SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb" "maps" { "de_aztec" "" "de_aztec_se" "" "de_bank" "" "de_dust2" "" "de_dust2_se" "" "de_dust" "" "de_dust_se" "" "de_inferno" "" "de_inferno_se" "" "de_lake" "" "de_nuke" "" "de_nuke_se" "" "de_safehouse" "" "de_shorttrain" "" "de_stmarc" "" "de_sugarcane" "" "de_train" "" "de_train_se" "" "de_mirage_csgo" "" "de_nuke_ve" "" } } } }
  6. Have someone a running S.T.A.L.K.E.R. V2 xml?
  7. Linux Files are inside the download zip. Only different startcommands and Startfiles: On Windows : ManiaPlanetServer.exe On Linux : ./ManiaPlanetServer for examble : /game_settings=MatchSettings/SMStormInstadm.txt /dedicated_cfg=dedicated_cfg.txt /title=SMStorm I use the 1.3b version because 1.3c have lag spike high cpu problems! Version 1.3b : http://files.maniaplanet.com/ManiaPlanet2Beta/ManiaPlanetBetaServer_2012-09-19.zip Version 1.3c : http://files.maniaplanet.com/ManiaPlanet2Beta/ManiaPlanetBetaServer_2012-09-27.zip Good luck and have fun!
  8. For your Information : http://community.callofduty.com/community/call_of_duty/english/black_ops_2/blog/2012/09/28/pc-online-security-matchmaking-and-server-intel Will you release the server files? No. We are keeping the server files secure to protect the game from hacking and cheating and ensure the ranking and progression system integrity. Can I rent a server? No. We are providing a huge number of servers around the world at no extra charge ? plenty for everyone to enjoy. And we will administer the servers. Will there be mod tools? No. As we continually improve and advance our in-house tools for our own content teams we are unable to provide consumer tools due to increased technical requirements, licensing restrictions, and technology dependencies.
  9. hello people. iam running it on Windows. Shootmania is running fine in default Cfgs. i also play and enjoy that game. anyone know how to use customscripts ( instagib_script.txt ) or how i can add custom scripts? for examble this : http://www.maniapark.com/ressource.php?id=937 regards
  10. What says the screenlog.0 in the main directory ?... No server log, no help. sorry but server dont start , dont helps @ all !
  11. look into the screenlog.0 in the main directory...
  12. Restart the services named TCAdmin Monitor and TCAdmin Service Manager. Then Works!
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