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  1. Hello, I wont be posting my config but I will help anyone to quickly build a config for Miscreated and you can share it. I have some special code for various reasons I cannot share. BUT I can help you build it to be identical.
  2. Steam CMD current exposes root of TCA the path and also now creates a steamCMD folder in the root of the drive is that the new standard ?
  3. Outstanding ! One of the best ever Thank you
  4. Good Day - your steam account information is still inside the config file . I suggest you change it. Great config thank you also there is a bug when uploading service account 0
  5. needs updating tested with 2 servers i think the command line needs additional arguments, new maps in the config needs to get update anyway thank you
  6. Hi , TCAdmin provides some help create a file index.html or what ever name you want it to be and play around with this code. <b>Get a List of Configured Games and Voice Servers<br> </b><font size="2">Required info:<br> - Standard information</font><form action="" method=post> <table border="1" id="table1" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolordark="#000000" bordercolorlight="#C0C0C0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><b>Standard Information</b></td> <td> </td> <td><font size="2">This information is always required</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Admin:</td> <td> <input value="admin" name="tcadmin_username"></td> <td> </td> <td><font size="2">The admin account for the control panel</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td> <input value="password" name="tcadmin_password"></td> <td> </td> <td><font size="2">The admin password</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Function:</td> <td> <select size="1" name="function"> <option value="GetSupportedGames" selected>Get Supported Game Servers </option> <option value="GetSupportedVoiceServers">Get Supported Voice Servers </option> </select></td> <td> </td> <td><font size="2">The command that TCAdmin will execute</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Response Type:</td> <td><select size="1" name="response_type"> <option value="xml" selected>XML</option> <option value="text">Text</option> </select></td> <td> </td> <td><font size="2">The type of response that will be sent by TCAdmin.</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </form>
  7. I agree if you have some old school players those days are along and gone , it doesnt really have to have button but give us the ability to build a dropdown list to issue the commands in TCA2 right now its not possible
  8. OK but list of commands ? see what I am saying GUI rcon built into the panel , its very primitive
  9. Just my point why cant TCA have the same function for certain games , why do I have to instruct my customers to download external tools to mange their servers, I can understand for special programs like ARMA but we should have the same ability to build configs for RCON the same way we build configs for game server settings .
  10. Sorry it was late for me and I am running 20 hour days .. let me explain better. RCON - I believe if I can use an RCON tools outside of TCadmin some other application I should be able to do the same for Internal RCON inside Tcadmin 2 . Kick , Ban , configure on the fly . I am always telling customers to download some tool to manage their server on the fly outside of TCadmin , We should have the ability to build configs like we do for the Server.CFG Hope you understand now ?
  11. Always have to go outside of internal RCOn because of its limitations In TCA2 could not even save an RCON list of commands When creating a maplist would like to have an easy way of adding maps for whatever game and having the user insert it along with that that having he ability to add a thumbnail I'm am sure we can customize that but this is a game panel and I hate to have an external programmer to code things should come out of the box with all the features without the need to customize everything
  12. Steam - and prepairing non steam
  13. yes nearly done I have one that is working still got some bugs
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