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  1. Just a question that creates the folder and is called or how? (the case of the mirror)
  2. cp ${Service_RootDirectory}orangebox\cstrike C:\YOURWEBSERVERURL\${Service_ServiceId}\cstrike -u -R Orangebox ?? Cs 1.6 not use orangebox its 1.6 not css
  3. I already did a post support but they do not know what the problem is
  4. just an observation cs 1.6 is not with orangebox it changes the order right?
  5. can you please tell me the script for cs 1.6 on linux server?
  6. Yesterday I install a server cs promod but it does not start at all and he status: Status: Start (pid 0) and it does not work. I try to start using ssh to see the error and there's this: ERROR: Invalid game type 'CSPromod' sepecified.s Wednesday, March 14, 2012, 1:04:01 p.m. (UTC +0100): Server Failed That thank you in advance
  7. Hello i search battlefield 3 on linus for my panel. Thanks for advance bye
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