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  1. I guess i wasn't patient enough. Probably had some delay, it does work now. I'm not quite sure how this delay has been occured, do you also have a delay of like 30min?
  2. Well, Even if all functions are enabled, it still cannot login as sub user. This is a windows remote server btw.
  3. Hi, I just found out that if a sub user has been created it cannot login to the ftp dir by a ftp client like filezilla. Does anyone else have this problem? Suggestions or help is welcome Kind regards, Davey
  4. Hello,


    I am contacting you after i saw your forum post about the greek translation of TCAdmin V2. Can you contact me ASAP please.


    e-mail: davey@gamezhoster.com


    Kind regards,


  5. Alright, i see. Unfortunately this was not the resolution for our problem, played with the keep alive settings but no results. Any other advise or tips are welcome. Kind regards, Davey
  6. Thank you for your reply Well, the keep alive command is on default what means it has been turned off. By that this is a keep alive what is related to the FTP settings, and nothing has to do with the automation setup.
  7. Hello, As we always used the automation setup from whmcs in combination with TCAdmin we've added a new game called Call of Juarez - BIB, Server runs smooth so we've added it to our cart list. While testing the instant setup, we've noticed the following error: Other games will be setup without any issue's as always, ofcourse i've checked the the knowledgebase but these answers does refers to a intercorruption by connection to the database. http://clients.tcadmin.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=48 Any help or tips would be lovely! Thank you in advise. Davey
  8. Thanks, i just noticed your reply but that solved the issue indeed. In the meanwhile i've created an support ticket, and this solved the issue. -- The connection string is in /home/tcadmin/Monitor/ConfigUtility.config. Update the value of "TCAdmin.ConfigUtility.Database.ConnectionString". If the value is encrypted you can update the attached file and overwrite the existing file. Restart the monitor after making the change. To update the remote log in to the control panel. Update the remote db connection info. Go to the remote's settings and download a new ConfigUtility.config. Save it to the remote's Monitor folder and restart it. -- Thank for all the advise Cheers, Happy TCAdmin user
  9. Thank you, well i've changed the file but it looks like there is an other file what use's the old location... any suggestions?
  10. Hello, Recently the database of TCAdmin has been changed to a other location, it was remotely before but on a other location. In which file/folder is the mysql host localized? Kind regards, Davey
  11. Is this on your master or remote server? If it is on a remote server and the master server works as it should be, can you check if the version is shown of the remote server by servers, if not the connection between your master and remote server wouln'd be correctly has been setup
  12. Had the same issue here, Tried to update manually by following this article: http://help.tcadmin.com/Updating and that did the trick, After updating try to update again and check the version to see if the remote server has been updated aswel. Goodluck, Davey
  13. Hello, Since yesterday we've moved our servers to another location, after contacting the tcadmin support we've installed tcadmin on the new servers (master debian 7 remote windows 2008). imported the databse etc, and everything worked well (as we thought). after a quick check we've noticed that our (game) servers at the master server are not starting. The path is useable and workable customers can reach their servers by ftp, but are unable to start the game server. This is only at the master server (where also the control panel has been installed). The game files are correct (made a backup and setted back on the new server). After isolating the issue (by creating a new database) the same issue continues TCAdmin says that the server is running as below: Name: 12 slots Medal of Honor - Spearhead Owner: Customer Connection Info: ip-address FTP: ip-address:21 Server: Linux Status: Running (pid 0) While checking the game (ingame) it is offline and not even started. Checking the logs gives not a single clue of what goes bad... Tips and suggestions are more then welcome! Thank you in advance. Davey
  14. Has this problem been resolved? Please let me know, because im having the same problems... already reinstalled 1 remote server... Contact me at: davey@gamezhoster.com
  15. While trying around abit i found out, that if i replace the hostname by the ipaddress (including port) whmcs say's that the service has been created succesfully. When looking into the users @ tcadmin i can see that there is not a new user... Checking the logs: Even the log say's that a new user should been created... looking once again into the user screen and there is not a random user... any tips?
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