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Everything posted by oostwolder

  1. he all i have a probleem with one of my clients his cod 4 the client would like to copy/rename/delete/ a *.exe program i have removed the *.exe and *.dll on the master files and then file system permission that workt for a few days now if i login on the client ftp he only see iw3sp.exe and not iw3mp.exe and if i copy that programm mw3mp.exe i get a error i dont have the rights to copy this to the server details are 200 comand okey 227 entering passive mode 500 access denied any one have a solution for this probklem
  2. he all i have a question i am admin on my own tcadmin masterserver then i see the cpu stats live now one of my resellers ask how he can see the cpu stats for his server how do i eneble cpu stats for every one greetings remco
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