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Everything posted by oostwolder

  1. can some one look at this why i still cant run mw3 on windows 2012 r2 standard i have it running and i can also connect because the server is in history of mw3 thats why i can connect but the server is not in the server list why is that greetings remco
  2. dear PCGamersportal



    i have downloded the mw3 file what you gave me but still problems


    with it i says that server work with diffrent version


    and i can only find my server in history and not in game list


    this is not normal that there is no fix for this problem



    i have latest version for client and server need to have that version to but no and that is my big problem now


    i dont want to host this game if there is no fix for it



    greets remco

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  3. well the pm is good but if i go to the link to download it then its says fil not found greets remco
  4. well oke its on butt i have tested it with firewall off and with the correct ports set in the firewall
  5. sorry for the late reaction i dint know that i got a reply after 10 days i cant get it online i have the steam.dll already in the game folder and a patch downgrade but now i cant see the game online i have it in my favorites that why i can see its online butt in master list i cant see it is there a possibility that i have a wrong .exe to downgrade the patch i hope this problem is fixd because i have some clients that want to play the game i have no router in front of the server and the firewall is offline so no forward problems greetings remco kolk
  6. he all i there someone that can help me with modern warfare 3 on windows server 2012 i think i have some problems with it greetings remco
  7. any one here online to give some tips to do
  8. hi elite


    do you have sold the licenses yes or no becasue i would like to buy them for a normal price

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  9. hi all i have a mw3 server i know that i need steam.dll for the master servers i know that server side is to high with version so i need to downgrade these 2 options i already done now i dont know what the problems are now i have windows server 2012 standard directx installed and firewall off and server is standing in a datacenter with out a router directly to internet any one some tips for me to do greets remco
  10. he all i need a working arma 3 xml file some one here have a working one with command line not one with out a command line like others here greets remco
  11. jamit this is not working because it is default 0 not 1 mabye any one knows the problem
  12. oke well i have most of it working with you fix but i dont know if it is your fix because i have done a steam update and after that the game works so i dont know if the fix works now i have only a problem with half life condition zero
  13. raizio the fix from PCGamersportal is that same fix and same links that he gave for hlds like copy paste
  14. PCGamersportal i have problems with hlds like half life ,counter strike source and counter strike 1.6 al the games wth hlds start up aint working the games with scrds works good like Team Fortress 2 i have problems with hlds not scrds greetings remco
  15. sorry for the late reply yes only half life games have this problem greetings remco
  16. he all i have some problems with hlds al my half life games aint working and if i try to start manual a server with hlds then game and map fields are grayed out that is with all the hlds start ups in all the half life games i have windows server 2012 r2 standard i hope someone can help a.s.a.p greetings remco kolk
  17. he all i have a strange problem my games are running with some lag and my admin control panel is not reachable on port 8880 it works fine for a couple hours ago i restarted the server complet after that the admin panel is not reachable says my firefox,google chrome,internet explorer ports are open and i have a windows 7 ultimate machine with 2 quad core processors and the mysql is on a other server and that is reachable greetings remco
  18. hi all i have on my master server win 7 1 cs:go server i have it working but if we play the server and we want to vote for next map the server stays on the first map (dust 1) if we vote for dust 2 then the server fails to switch for map any one knows about this problem greeting remco
  19. i have at the moment one server, this server is master server and it is a windows machine and i have selected master server in api settings and all serverss and i have tested this solutions from LFA but it wont work so i dont know what is wrong update i have found a tcadmin user with same problem http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9505&highlight=Linux+servers+found i have done this but still the problem
  20. he people on tcadmin forum i have a question/problem i have whmcs and tcadmin if i install a game via whmcs then i get an error (Error - No Windows servers were found in datacenter xxxxxx) and i have that with some games that only works on windows servers is there a possible solution greetings remco
  21. fixed maybe we want to know how you fixd this problem then we can setup a server to
  22. sorry i have solved this problem after the update for win2008 r2 this option is messed up the solution is just reinstal latest tcadmin update thanks for any help
  23. he all is there a way to change the default 10 server list if you go to Game Services every time we need to click to next page or change to 20 or 50 per page, which resets after every refresh or button i click greetings remco
  24. i use ftp together with tcadmin 2 and where in tcadmin can i change that passive ip
  25. those ftp restrictions i allowed that for a few days ago yesterday i update my windows 2008 r2 standaard and now the client cant do nothing any more and realy read this error popup wenn you have the restrictions on you get a other error code details are 200 comand okey 227 entering passive mode 500 access denied
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