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  1. Mount and blade slots cannot be set in CMD its only set in the config of the game server
  2. http://www.enterbf3.com/news/551-battlefield-3-servers-coming-with-a-slot-fee/ at the moment what i know is, Only the CEO of EA or Dice gives the server files out, i contacted support and they don't give out files.
  3. Very easy, all you got to do is install the Config files, then install the server files on the Game install folders (Basically there is more than drag and click)
  4. hi , i get some problems with this CFG file, when i make a new CMD line it show up waht to enter -m and -r but when i click save it makes more of the line "-r -m mmrussia 3 -r mmrussia.txt -m -m mmrussia 3 -r mmrussia.txt" is what i get, idk how to solve this. EDIT - I fixed it, under Custom Command Line it stood -m %usercmdline% -r %usercmdline% but it must only be %usercmdline%
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