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Everything posted by Ryan_Hemsley

  1. Hi, Can someone make a config file for TCAdmin V2 for game Dino D-Day?
  2. When my server map changes it gets stuck on the map change page.
  3. I know how to download the game. I just need a confg file for TCAdmin for version 2 to import.
  4. Does anyone know where I can find Dino D-Day config for V2?
  5. There is an uploaded photo of it. I'm not sure why its not working.
  6. Server still goes offline but when I put it on the default command it comes online.
  7. Hi, Could someone please tell me the commandline for Call of Duty 4 Promod. I currently have: +set fs_homepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set sv_punkbuster "1" +exec server.cfg +map_rotate +set fs_game mods/promodlive211 +set sv_punkbuster "1" +set sv_rcon_password When that is sleeted the server doesn't come online.
  8. When I make a Minecraft server I get Status: Running (pid 0)
  9. Myself I use 2 x XEON 5620 3TB HDD 32GB RAM 1000 Mbit Uplink Windows 2008 R2 Standard
  10. Does anyone know how to fix this? Server approved grace request... Retrying connection to, server requires lobby reservation but is unreserved. Received game details information from GameTypes: could not find matching map "scoutzknivez". [MM] Sending reservation request to [MM] Sending reservation request to
  11. Hi, I've thought I would post this because I have a few questions about Call of Duty Black OPs 2 when it's released. Does anyone know if it will be downloadable on an Dedicated Server?
  12. Hi, I got one small problem when joining my server. I got the commandline set srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +maxplayers 24 +exec server.cfg -ip -port 27065 +game_mode 0 +game_type 1 +mapgroup mg_surf +map surf_greatriver_xdr3am_d mg_surf +map surf_greatriver_xdr3am_d But when I join I get this photo
  13. Also Do you know why I get this? Here is the commandline srcds -game csgo -console -usercon -maxplayers_override 24 +exec server.cfg -ip -port 27065 100 +game_mode 0 +game_type 0 +mapgroup +map surf_greatriver_remix_csgo_r2
  14. srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 -maxplayers_override $[service.Slots] +exec server.cfg +mapgroup mg_allclassic +map de_dust -ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort]
  15. Hi, When one of my clients makes their own commandline. The slots go to 10 slots by default "competitive" { "value" "1" "nameID" "#SFUI_GameModeCompetitive" "descID" "#SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc" "matchmakingvalue" "competitive" "uid" "2" "maxplayers" "10" "gungametrbomb" { "value" "1" "nameID" "#SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "descID" "#SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc" "matchmakingvalue" "competitive" "uid" "12" "maxplayers" "10" Is there a way to fix that?
  16. I sent a ticket to TCAdmin last night and Luis said do this -maxplayers_override $[service.Slots] to your commandline. It seems to work for me now
  17. Update it by remote https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers If you have any problems, let me know and I'll be happy to help.
  18. Yeah I still get the same problem you're getting. Have you found out a problem to fix this?
  19. Try this site mate http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2835269
  20. Check in your TCAdmin General Settings > Games & Voice Servers and check the Default Slots
  21. Counter-Strike Global Offensive doesn't use hlds, It's using SteamCMD https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers
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