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  1. Hi, can i install tcadmin webpage in one webserver, and the monitor in another with one license? I want to install the tcadmin webpage (:8880) in one webserver, cuz sometimes i recive ddos to that port, and if i split the webpage from tcadmin the clients servers doesnt go off, only the site. Any ideia and tips?
  2. i have same problem :S i can see some files, but need others :S
  3. hi sweetheart member, i just fixed the problem when we use ubuntu 64bits sometimes we need some libs form 32bits so... if you are running a 64bit, you probably need the 'ia32-libs' package... get it? i tested so no problem just use apt-get install ia32-libs accept the package and done cuz im a kinda happy to made it i share this to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnTFNsmToHg&ob=av2n
  4. i tried to re install tcadmin on ubuntu 64bits and also happen, reason? dont know... when i logged as root on the machine an i try to use ./download_css-linux-sh give me a error, file doesnt exist... i check and STEAM file its in right place :S i change the script and the steam file name and also happen... any ideia?
  5. i had someproblem like that when i open the server by myself... so i started to use tcadmin i change the steam file name for (whateveruwant) and esec the command again... and works.. BUT like u said i tried to exec manually :S i cant help dont know soz:S
  6. hmmm i tested to create a new gameserver like a counterstrike and dont work, it stop in loading after i chosse the server i want to host it but i can acess to my voice server (ts3)
  7. i loged in the tcadmin panel like always but dont know why the status server appear alaywas loading like forever S: the status from cpu/ram/disk they are gone too, any ideia? i stop and start the servive and monitor like "/home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service start /home/tcadmin/Monitor/serviceman-service start" the game servers are online :S
  8. Its not a tip for now, but if someone can explain how can i setup the branded in tcadmin v2 ll be a tip plz anyone can explain?
  9. i have some similar problem but im ubuntu 64 bits
  10. dont know if it is the same thing, but i have some problems to... i playing like a boss and im disconnected frome the server, when i try to check the servers and tcadmin page its all shutdown for a few seconds... if i w8 a few sec everything its already nice like nothing happen -.-
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