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Everything posted by Winter

  1. actually forgot to install python. fixed the issue
  2. Hello, When using the steam workshop to download mods im getting this error Error - No module named struct anyone having this issue or know how to fix it?
  3. Just wanted to update you guys use app ID 630230 instead of the default one in the config.
  4. Add me on skype i'll help you with this slayerlord189
  5. Also add a battle eye variable for the command line some people like it on and off.
  6. What changes will this contain on windows? I did change the command line up a bit that seems to work better feel free to use. Default "![Map]?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?RCONPort=$[service.RConPort]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?listen" Default + Mod Manager "![Map]?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?RCONPort=$[service.RConPort]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?listen" -server -log -automanagedmods
  7. I'm also getting this error any idea?
  8. The game.ini gets wiped on server restart the mods no longer show up. Is that normal?
  9. Hey numpty would wouldnt have a ark config with automatic mod updates would you?

  10. serverRegion serverRegion=1 Sets the server's region. (0=EU, 1=NA, 2=Asia)
  11. Thats normal. Make sure the server region is correct.
  12. Does anyone have a config ready for days of war windows? Don't really want to make one if someone wants to share.
  13. Having issues with the name of the server resetting back to conan and not changing anyone know how to fix this? Figured it out (Took hostname out of command line)
  14. Hey Noony not sure if you seen my email? Sent it about a week back.
  15. Dayz standalone is a private game not everyone can host it if i remember right.
  16. Ive seen this issue before. Not exactly sure on a fix tho.
  17. I'm taking a look at this now.
  18. If you add me on skype: slayerlord189 i can help you out. I work alot with tcadmin and linux.
  19. Make sure your using the query port.
  20. Im looking for a script that will update workshop mods on your server. I need one for ark if possible willing to pay! Must download the workshop content when you click a button.
  21. Hello I was wondering if anyone had a way to automatic the mod updates from the workshop. Say create a button called "Update Mods" etc. If anyone has a way of doing this let me know. If you have already created this let me know if your selling it.
  22. Does anyone have a ARK Linux config?
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