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Everything posted by Lane

  1. You need to use a steam account that owns the game, hence the error.
  2. Thanks! I haven't been able to get it to show up in the lobby at all unfortunately. We have clients reporting gameservers.com has the issue completely resolved, but seems rather unlikely with only 40 servers in the lobby.
  3. Did you have any luck getting your server into the lobby?
  4. Start the installer, it will check for you game (and CD Key for older versions) on initial startup. Once you are to the screen that shows the status of the install, move your game install and click install on the patch window. Done, zip it and make a patch via tcadmin.
  5. Was going to lend you a hand until I realized you totally ripped off our custom splash page, you even left our comments in the source... Burn in a pit of fire.
  6. Why not create it yourself?
  7. That is illegal....go buy the game like everyone else. You can get it on steam too, files should work just fine.
  8. You need to be on the inside track at this point to get a copy, they are not publicly available.
  9. Of course you need to increment - I would suggest by 100.
  10. You can easily run multiple servers on a single IP .. you need only to correctly set the port addresses in your commandline. Make sure you are setting ALL the ports in the example server.cfg.
  11. A lot of your points are just flat out wrong FYI.
  12. You can also over ride it in the commandline: ?SteamPort=<port>
  13. It does not have to do with C++ being up to date, rather making sure you have the old 2008 SP1 version installed - http://www.servercommand.org/download/microsoft-visual-c-2008-sp1-redistributable-package-x86/ That will be server 2003 only, 08 you should be set without anything beyond the basics.
  14. Retail disk is where I started - had nothing but issues. I bought the steam copy last week and am going to give that a whirl as soon as its done uploading. Arma 2 is general has been a pain in the ass. Not only is the game huge, but the documentation seems to be completely missing beyond the wiki's short and sweet guide for the original Arma 2. On that note, when Arma 2 gets an update does that mean I need to re-copy the files over to the OA install (I assume so?)?
  15. There is a different between OA + its expansions and combined Operations (arma 2 + OA). We have never gotten combined Operations to run right, so interested as well to see what others have to say - always had missing content issues or players getting constantly kicked with no errors.
  16. Most likely a memory leak in one the games you are running OR you are actually running that many games on the server. Stop each of the games one by one and you will soon find your missing RAM.
  17. Do you have AvP running on the same machine? Trying setting the Auth port to something higher as it is not the only game that uses this method and could be conflicting. I have one machine that refuses to connect unless you set the Auth port, others no Auth port and they work without issue. Almost positive the Auth port is your problem. If not, then I would best guess you are having another port conflict.
  18. I know your exact issue as I overlooked the same thing in the beginning - you are not setting the "net_serverPortAuth (default 8766) ? This is the port on which the server will authenticate with Steam". You need to set this in your commandline and increment it by at least 1.
  19. Your commandline is missing an argument, check page 2 of the PDF or go back a few pages here and re-read what has been posted - full working commandlines have been posted a few times.
  20. You will most likely get a better response if you note what you are confused about, can't really help when we do know what part you are confused on.
  21. Do you plan to share or ....?
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