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Everything posted by death

  1. I tired that... no luck. Everything under text console is disabled and everything under web console is disabled. Server still hangs at about 98% when started with the tcadmin command line. The same command line in a batch file works perfectly so I am a little baffled to say the least.
  2. my update period has expired on V1 and since I can use V2 while its in beta figured id go that route
  3. I tried that,no go. I also tried turning off the web console since that seems to be where the problem is without any luck as well.
  4. Everytime I try and launch one of my servers I get this error in windows: CTextConsoleWin32::!GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents
  5. I double checked all the file permissions. To be honest I am about ready to throw tcadmin V2 in the garbage... I had no problems with V1 at all but this is just ridiculous. If I had steampipe updates to V1 I wouldn't have to mess with this.
  6. The srcds.bat works when I manually run it. When its run through tcadmin it hangs right before the server is fully booted. Same goes for using srcds.exe with command line on the run menu.
  7. I have an issue that iv spent hours trying to resolve. Basically tcadmin wont start my tf2 servers. The path to srcds.exe is set correctly (double checked multiple times) and my command line looks like this: -console -game tf -nohltv +ip -port 27015 +sm_basepath addons\sourcemod-01 +servercfgfile server-01.cfg +maxplayers 32 +max_fps 100 +map cp_dustbowl The console boots up and scrolls all the information just as it should but right before it connects to steam it stops dead in its tracks. If I create a batch file or use run to test the command line manually everything works fine: C:\TCAfiles\Users\death\1\srcds.exe -console -game tf -nohltv +ip -port 27015 +sm_basepath addons\sourcemod-01 +servercfgfile server-01.cfg +maxplayers 32 +max_fps 100 +map cp_dustbowl I also managed to get a work around - Executable File: C:\TCAFiles\Users\death\1\srcds.bat - and the server launches and works like a charm... however their is an issue with tcadmin on that too - somehow it always reverts my .bat to a .exe and if the server crashes it doesn't reboot itself. If anyone has any insight It would be greatly appreciated as this is driving me crazy.
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