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Everything posted by BOW

  1. Here are is config for Armed Assault 2 Hope anyone can use it thanks Armed_Assault_2.txt
  2. Here are is config for Medal of Honor Pacific Assault <table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote"> <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <GAME> <GAMEID>TC3707477008877</GAMEID> <NAME>Medal of Honor Pacific Assault</NAME> <SHORTNAME>MOHPA</SHORTNAME> <DEFAULTPORT>13203</DEFAULTPORT> <DEFAULTQUERYPORT>13203</DEFAULTQUERYPORT> <DEFAULTRCONPORT>13203</DEFAULTRCONPORT> <FILESFOLDER>Medal of Honor Pacific Assault</FILESFOLDER> <RELATIVEEXECUTABLE>mohpa_server.exe</RELATIVEEXECUTABLE> <RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY>/</RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY> <RELATIVEUSERFILES>/</RELATIVEUSERFILES> <INSTALLEDPATCH /> <DEFAULTCMDLINE>+ exec server.cfg</DEFAULTCMDLINE> <DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE /> <PRIVATECMDLINE /> <PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE /> <DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <CONFIGFILE> <GAMEID>TC3707477008877</GAMEID> <CONTENTS>// Server Name // Name that will appear on the server browser sv_hostname "%hostname%" // Password // Allows you to set a password for the server set sv_privatepassword "%privatepassword%" // ReconPassword // Allows you to set a password for the server set sv_rconpassword "%rconpassword%" // Max Players set sv_maxclients "%slots%" // Time Limit // This sets the elapsed time at which the game ends, the winner being the player with the highest score at that time timelimit "20" // Frag Limit // The score at which the player or team will win the current map fraglimit "0" // Welcome message // Will show up on the client when they join the server g_motd "Welcome to %hostname%" // Game Type // 1 Free for All // 2 TeamDeathMatch // 6 Invader set g_gametype "1" // Heal Rate // Determines how fast players heal when they use a health pickup set g_healrate "10" // Health Drop // When enabled players will drop a health pack when killed set dm_classesDeathDropHealth "1" // Backpack Drop // When enabled players will drop their backpack when killed set dm_classesDeathDropBackpack "1" // Weapon Drop // When enabled players will drop their weapon when killed set dm_deathDropWeapon "1" // Realism // Toggles reaslistic mode set g_realismmode "1" // Fast Run Speed // When checked, the speed at which players can run through levels is increased // Leaving it unchecked defaults to Medal of Honor Allied Assault?s original run speed set sv_runspeed "267" // Team Damage // Toggles friendly fire set dm_teamdamage "1" // Infinite Ammo // Toggles the unlimited ammo setting set g_unlimitedammo "1" // GameSpy // When set to one, creates a community server available through GameSpy set sv_communitypublic "1" // Inactive Spectate // This sets the time in seconds after which an inactive player becomes a spectator To save server bandwidth, 60 seconds is default set g_inactivespectate "60" // Map duration // This sets the amount of play time on this map. set g_tempmaptime "20" // Spawn delay // This sets how long it?ll take foir the players to spawn set g_respawn_time "10" // Invulnerable Time // Amount of time a player is invulnerable for after spawning set sv_invulnerabletime "3" // INFO Threshold // If >0 then limits amount of server INFO packets to send out per second set dm_infoThreshhold "0" // STATUS Threshold // If >0 then limits amount of server STATUS packets to send out per second set dm_statusThreshhold "0" // Max Rag Dolls // The number of bodies that will use the rag doll physics set dm_maxragdolls "0" // DM Speed Mult // How much faster than single player the multiplayer players run set sv_dmspeedmult "1.000000" // Mute Spectators // Prevents spectators from joining in the chat set g_spectate_allow_full_chat "1" // Enable Punkbuster // Turns on punkbuster requirements for the server set punkbuster // Show Enemy Names // Show the names of the enemies when your looking at them set g_showlookat "1" // Bleed To Death // Allow the players to bleed to deathy when the take aggrivated wounds set dm_bleedtodeath "1" // Disable Bleeding // Show the bleeding of the players in multiplayer set sv_disablebleeding "1" // Online Stat Tracking // Connects to the stats tracking server to track your games set sv_communitystats "1" // Enable retreating // Indicates if the server supports the defender fall back function set g_retreat_enable "1" // Retreat respawn // If true respawn defenders with full weapons/ammo/health set g_retreat_respawn "1" // Retreat cost // If true then accepting retreat use icon costs defenders a spawn set g_retreat_cost "1" // Retreat time // How long the retreat use icon will remain after an objective is lost set g_retreat_time "10.000000" // Retreat Delay // How long after hitting use icon that the player actually retreats set g_retreat_delay "0.000000" // Pure // When set to 1, the client and server must match This is pure set sv_pure "1" // Able Group Name // The name of the "able" group set sv_ablegroupname "Able" // Baker Group Name // The name of the "baker" group set sv_bakergroupname "Baker" // Attacker Advance Delay // Stalls the attac king advance at the beggining of the match set dm_attackerAdvanceDelay "10.000000" // Effects Controller // A "1" in this field indicates that all ambience is on, and a "0" indicates ambience // is off and bandwidth is conserved set dm_effectscontroller "1" // Aim assist zoom // The amount of zoom on an aim assist set dm_aimassistZoom "20" // Aim assist zoom time // The delay before it the aim assist activates set dm_aimassistZoomTime "0.000000" // FFA Allied Pistol // Free For All Allied pistol setting set dm_ffaAlliedPistol "0" // FFA Max Health // Free For All health cap set dm_ffaMaxHealth "100" // Large Player Count // The large players setting set dm_largePlayerCount "12" // Post Round Wait Time // Number of seconds to wait after round ends set dm_postroundwaittime "30.000000" // Use Hag Initial Bullet Count // If zero then use dm_*_ammo_init cvars instead of HAGs to determine initial weapon loads set dm_useHagInitialBulletCount "1" // Seconds Left In Match // Sets the countdown seconds for the match set dm_secondsLeftInMatch "5" // Wait For Transition Flag // The delay when waiting for the transition flag set dm_waitfortransitionflag "0" // Incapacitated Max Health // The maximum amount of health allowable when incapacitated set dm_incapacitatedMaxHealth "25.000000" // Team Kill Warning // Warning message sent to the player for team killing set g_teamkillwarn_message "MP :DefaultTeamKillWarnMessage" // Team Kill Warnings // Number of warnings before being banned set g_teamkillwarn "3" // Team Kill Kick // Amount of team kills before the player is kicked off the server set g_teamkillkick "5" // Kick Duration // The amount of time before a team killer is allowed back onto the server set g_teamkillbanduration "0" // Inactive Kick // This sets the time in seconds after which an inactive player is kicked out of the game //900 (15 minutes) seconds is default set g_inactivekick "900" // Warm-Up Interval // the amount of time spent in the warm-up mode set g_warmup "0" // Respawn Interval // Delay before the player respawns set g_respawn_time "10" // Vote Majority // Sets the majority required for a vote to pass set dm_votemajority "51" // Body Time Max // The maximum amount of time to rag doll a body set dm_bodytime_max "60.000000" // Body Time Min // The minimum amount of time to rag doll a body set dm_bodytime_min "5.000000" // Corpsman Attention Dist // The distance before the corpsman attention is enabled set dm_corpsmanAttentionDist "400" // Corpsman Heal Amount // The healing power of the corpsman set dm_corpsmanHealAmount "115" // Corpsman Heal Time // the time it takes for the corpsman to heal set dm_corpsmanHealTime "2.000000" // Corpsman Max Morphine // The maximum amount of morphine the corpsman can carry set dm_corpsmanMaxMorphine "6" // Corpsman Max Sulfa // The maximum amount of sulfa the corpsman can carry set dm_corpsmanMaxSulfa "8" // Corpsman Revive Time // The delay before the corpsman can revive set dm_corpsmanReviveTime "2.000000" // Engineer Disarm Expl Speedup // SpeedUp for the engineer to disarm explosives set dm_engineerDisarmExplSpeedup "4.000000" // Engineer Max Explosives // The maximum number of explosives the engineer can carry set dm_engineerMaxExplosives "4" // Engineer Plant Expl Speedup // SpeedUp for the engineer to plant explosives set dm_engineerPlantExplSpeedup "4.000000" // Player Spawn Method // Spawn hueristics // Auto Balance // Auto balances the teams // 0 - normal // 1 - force you when you enter the game // 3 - force you when you die (balancing if people leave the server mid game) set g_teamautobalance "0" // Disable classes in Team Deathmatch set dm_combatclassesenabled "1" // Enable voting in games set g_allowvote "1" // Do Warmup // If zero there won?t be a warmup infront of invader games set g_doWarmup "1" // Peace Warmup // If zero them players can kill each other durring warmup set g_peace_warmup "1" // Invert Objective Numbers set g_invobjno "1" // Infantry Limits set sv_restrict_infantry "100" // Corpsman Limits set sv_restrict_corpsman "100" // Engineer Limits set sv_restrict_engineer "100" // Ammo Tech Limits set sv_restrict_ammotech "100" // Close Range Limits set sv_restrict_closerange "100" // Rifles Limits set sv_restrict_rifle "100" // Sub Machine Guns Limits set sv_restrict_smg "100" // Machine Guns Limits set sv_restrict_mg "100" // Sniper Rifles Limits set sv_restrict_sniperrifle "100" // Connection Restriction // Limits the ping times to prevent the server from getting overburdened set sv_pingrestrict "0" // Spawn Pool Size // Number of lives in spawnpool If =0 then it?s 6x number of players at start, otherwise it?s the multiple set g_spawnmultiple "-1" // Kick Restrictions set sv_kickrestrict "0" // Min Team bonus set sv_minteambonus "0" // Max Team bonus set sv_maxteambonus "0" // Min Kills set sv_minkills "0" // Max Kills set sv_maxkills "0" // Min Team Online set sv_mintimeonline "0" // Max Team Online set sv_maxtimeonline "0" // Allied Frags // The cap on the number of allied frags before the round is over set dm_alliesFrags "0" // Axis Frags // The cap on the number of axis frags before the round is over set dm_axisFrags "0" // Map // Starting map on the rotation map "maps/dm/MP_Airfield_INV.bsp" // Map Rotation List sv_maplist "1 maps/dm/MP_Airfield_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;1 maps/dm/MP_Bataan_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;1 maps/dm/MP_Bridge_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;1 maps/dm/mp_bougainville_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;1 maps/dm/MP_Gavutu_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;1 maps/dm/mp_gifu_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;1 maps/dm/mp_matanikau_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;1 maps/dm/mp_wakeisland_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;2 maps/dm/MP_Airfield_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;2 maps/dm/MP_Bataan_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;2 maps/dm/MP_Bridge_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;2 maps/dm/mp_bougainville_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;2 maps/dm/MP_Gavutu_INV.bsp ; TeamSwap ;2 maps/dm/mp_gifu_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;2 maps/dm/mp_matanikau_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;2 maps/dm/mp_wakeisland_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;6 maps/dm/MP_Airfield_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;6 maps/dm/MP_Bataan_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;6 maps/dm/MP_Bridge_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;6 maps/dm/mp_bougainville_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;6 maps/dm/MP_Gavutu_INV.bsp ;TeamSwap;6 maps/dm/mp_gifu_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;6 maps/dm/mp_matanikau_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;6 maps/dm/mp_wakeisland_inv.bsp ;TeamSwap;" // Ammo Boxes Count Init // Initial amount of ammo in the ammo boxes set dm_ammoboxes_count_init "10" // Ammo Boxes Count Max // Maximum amount of ammo found set dm_ammoboxes_count_max "10" // Artillery Ammo Time // The amount of time before the artillery ammo respawns set dm_artilleryAmmoTime "4.000000" // Artillery Internal Ammo // The internal amount of ammo the artillery guns can hold set dm_artilleryInternalAmmo "1" // MG Ammo Time // The amount of time before the MG ammo respawns set dm_mgAmmoTime "1.500000" // MG Internal Ammo // The internal amount of ammo the MG guns can hold set dm_mgInternalAmmo "65" // Pistol Ammo Init // Your initial pistol ammo set dm_pistol_ammo_init "10" // Pistol Ammo Max // The maximum amount of ammo in a pistol set dm_pistol_ammo_max "10" // Rifle Ammo Init // Your initial rifle ammo set dm_rifle_ammo_init "10" // Rifle Ammo Max // he maximum amount of ammo in a rifle set dm_rifle_ammo_max "10" // SMG Ammo Init // Your SMG pistol ammo set dm_smg_ammo_init "10" // SMG Ammo Max // he maximum amount of ammo in a SMG set dm_smg_ammo_max "10" // MG Cool Rate set dm_mgCoolRate "2.250000" // MG Heat Rate set dm_mgHeatRate "50.000000" // MG Jam Time set dm_mgJamTime "1.750000" // MG Max Health set dm_mgMaxHealth "150" // MG Supply Count set dm_mgSupplyCount "2" // MG Supply Max Count set dm_mgSupplyMaxCount "5" // MG Supply Size set dm_mgSupplySize "30" // MG User Distance // The distance the user needs to be before operating the MG set dm_mgUserDistance "64" // Cornucopia Ammo // if zero then ammoboxes only refill weapon in hand, not all weapons in inventory set dm_cornucopiaAmmo "1" // Full Restock Ammo // If zero then only a partial restock of ammo happens when running over ammoboxes set dm_fullRestockAmmo "1" // ViewKickMultiplier // A value of 1.0 will make the kick in multiplayer the same as that in singleplayer set dm_dmviewkickmult "1.000000" // ClientTracer // When set to 0, all tracer and bullet poof information is transmitted in the traditional // way, over the wire, for each shot This has a slightly higher degree of realism in some rare situations, // but normally should be avoided as it comes with a higher network cost The default value of 2 grants more // network optimizations and is preferred Although 1 is a valid option, it should never be used as it costs // even more than option 0 as far as performance, yet is less realistic than 0. set sv_clienttracer "2" // Artillery Max Health set dm_artilleryMaxHealth "1750" // Artillery Support count set dm_artillerySupplyCount "3" // Artillery supply max count set dm_artillerySupplyMaxCount "5" // Artillery Supply Size set dm_artillerySupplySize "1" // Explosives Arm Time set dm_explosivesArmTime "15.000000" // Explosives Damage set dm_explosivesDamage "200" // Explosives Disarm Time set dm_explosivesDisarmTime "15.000000" // Explosives Fuse Time set dm_explosivesFuseTime "30.000000" // Explosives Radius set dm_explosivesRadius "500" // Grenade Count Init set dm_grenade_count_init "10" // Grenade Count Max set dm_grenade_count_max "10" // Landmine Defuse Time set dm_landmineDefuseTime "-1.000000" // Landmine Defuse Time Engineer set dm_landmineDefuseTimeEngineer "4.000000" // Landmine Max Spot Distance set dm_landmineMaxSpotDistance "500" // Landmine Spot Mult Crouch set dm_landmineSpotMultCrouch "0.500000" // Landmine Spot Mult Prone set dm_landmineSpotMultProne "1.000000" // Landmine Spot Mult Stand set dm_landmineSpotMultStand "0.330000" // Landmine Spotting Narrowness set dm_landmineSpottingNarrowness "0.850000" // Landmines Count Init set dm_landmines_count_init "10" // Landmines Count Max set dm_landmines_count_max "10" // Satchelcharges Count Init set dm_satchelcharges_count_init "10" // Satchelcharges Count Max set dm_satchelcharges_count_max "10" // Grenades Allowed // If zero then no grenades handed out when game starts set dm_grenadesAllowed "1" // Landmines Allowed // If zero then no landmines handed out when game starts set dm_landminesAllowed "1" // Satchel Charges Allowed // If zero then no satchel charges handed out when game starts set dm_satchelChargesAllowed "1" // Death match flags // DF_NO_HEALTH 1 // DF_NO_POWERUPS 2 // DF_WEAPONS_STAY 4 // DF_NO_FALLING 8 // DF_INSTANT_ITEMS 16 // DF_NO_ARMOR 2048 // DF_NO_FOOTSTEPS 131072 // DF_ALLOW_LEAN 262144 set dmflags "395295" </CONTENTS> <DESCRIPTION>Default server file</DESCRIPTION> <DISPLAYNAME>Default server file</DISPLAYNAME> <RELATIVEPATH>/main/server.cfg</RELATIVEPATH> </CONFIGFILE> </DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <RCONCOMMANDS> <RCONCOMMAND> <GAMEID>TC3707477008877</GAMEID> <RCON_COMMAND>kick</RCON_COMMAND> <DESCRIPTION>kick</DESCRIPTION> <FULL_COMMAND /> <IS_KICK_COMMAND>1</IS_KICK_COMMAND> <IS_BAN_COMMAND>0</IS_BAN_COMMAND> </RCONCOMMAND> </RCONCOMMANDS> </GAME> </td></tr></table>
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