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  1. Thanks, I see now. Im sorry.
  2. Are you stupid or something? He post a link for windows version of tcadmin. I have main on Linux.
  3. I have it on linux. Please help.
  4. Hi, I have installed CoD2 succesfully on my tcadmin 2 panel on linux. Now when I create server, it says "pid 0". When I try to connect the server ingame, it acts like it does not exist. Please help me!
  5. Hi, I have installed CoD2 succesfully on my tcadmin 2 panel. Now when I create server, it says "pid 0". When I try to connect the server ingame, it acts like it does not exist. Please help!
  6. Hi, I have a problem. I have configuration for creating server in my tcadmin panel for Call Of Duty 2. But when I go creating game service, and selecting which game will the server be for, there is no call of duty 2 (and alot of other games...) . How can I fix this? Thanks.
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