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  1. I don't know if this is the correct place to post or not...If not..sorry..I'm Old. Anyone have any suggestions for a Miami, Fl Colo that peers into Sao Paulo , South..like a BGP mix? Also anyone got any Intel XEON 1230 V1 (only) racked and avail for re-sale...16GB also in them Hope this finds you all well... I am on my 13th week of life after Covid...That's better than life with Covid... All be safe.. Dave
  2. Looks Great Luis... Just don't get rid of the version 1 stuff...and you know why.. :) Dave NRT
  3. Morning all.. Has any-one have a fully functional V.1 TS3 Configuration? Even though I am a Triton reseller... I don't push like most do. The config I use/have know, I could never get the Ping to work in the client window. I have been using it for almost 10 years now..with the new release of TS3 I purchased a new server, and would like to update the options for client side. Thanks to all who reply.. Dave
  4. Morning to all.. Has any-one worked with a config for Asseto Corsa? I have a working copy that works without issues using the AcServer.exe but will not start the AcServer.bat to run with out a GUI. Has any-one else ran into this isse? Thanks to all who read and respond in advance Dave
  5. I know this is likley a dumb response.... But you are trying to import it from your desktop after downloading it from the sticky.. Sorry if it is and you are doing the above...sometimes things so simple escape folks... and me also Good Luck Dave NRT
  6. Please let us know what Luis's response was if you would.. No sense loading up the support system if we all are looking for the response.. BTW...nice find..I hope you didn't get burned with this exploit if that is what it is.. Have a nice week-end Dave NRT
  7. 5/19/2015 1:40:48 AM error code: 2816 msg: virtualserver limit reached That would tell me that you don't have your license dat file in the root for the virtual master server in TS3. I would log onto my TS account and re-download the dat file they assigned you.. What operating system are you running on your TS master?..Server 2008..2012..Linux? Good Luck Dave
  8. I found one in the zip file that is talked about in another thread.. So...I am good to go. Thanks to all who posted back Dave NRT
  9. OK..Thanks for your response Sir. I doubt Luis has a config laying around....Hint...Hint.. Take care Dave NRT
  10. Thanks for the response. Just being lazy. Some of the membership on-this forum are dang good at writing the code for the games..I never have had the time or patience to write any...any that works that is. Dave NRT
  11. Good Morning to all.. Has any-one a working mumble config for TCAdmin V1. ? Thanks in advance to those who respond back.. Dave NRT
  12. Both servers are Windows. Thanks Dave NRT
  13. Hello Folks.. Question: I have a TS3 server in Dallas...also have one in New York. I want to move the Dallas Server and combine it with the New York Server. By doing this, I don't want the client base to lose any themes they have created. We all know how time consuming that is to create a nice one. Other than assigning a new IP/Port to the server clients from Dallas, what else would need to be done, or is this even possible. There are 70+ clients to move.. from Dallas to NY Suggestions or thoughts please Dave NRT Geezzz..I [posted this in the wrong forum...Can you move it Keith if you see it please...sorry
  14. Evening all: We just start looking at V2 Did the patch it showed...now we have this trying to load the page. Bad Request (Invalid Hostname) It was working before this error. Thanks Dave
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