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Everything posted by Im#NuMBeR1

  1. In that case then you could just copy the entire CSS and HTML/PHP coding from the main page and make an index in Pages/Content and use Pages as the main site. The only downfall to this is if the forums go offline for whatever reason, so does the homepage. Unless it's not using the IPS Wrapper in which case it will not be affected. I use Pages for all of my game servers' rules pages and what not.
  2. Perhaps these colors may be better suited? <span style="color:#be5e07; font-weight: bold">Administrators</span> <span style="color:#006A0E; font-weight: bold">">Moderators</span> <span style="color:#003e7c; font-weight: bold">Plugin Dev</span> <span style="color:#4387d7; font-weight: bold">Website Dev</span> And leave "Members" the default color.
  3. Okay so I've made some revisional adjustments.. but I'm still unable to get the login form properly seated.
  4. Well so far my attempts at this are going hideously.
  5. Personally I think it'd be a good idea for a Discord server, however, wouldn't that take discussions away from the forums? People nowadays expect (or at least want) immediate responses which is fine, but usually instant messaging platforms take away the need for discussions on boards which is a shame. As for the forums; it would be nice to see perhaps a different color pick for member groups. Not too sure purple for members (or a purple-colored group) quite suits the forum style. Especially pink for moderators. Although it's my own personal opinion and it may differ from others' but pink on this style theme is hideous and difficult on the eyes.
  6. I've created an MVC theme but still don't know how to make this photoshop layout ready for the actual login page. ? The whole layout thing is literally just the photoshop image thing atm.
  7. I just need to figure out how to implement this layout to the actual login page now but I don't understand the wiki on how to go about doing it.
  8. Hi people. So even with reading over the how-to for themes, I still cannot understand how I can customise my TCAdmin login page. So I'm using the latest TCAdmin 2.0 version for Linux. This is what I want my log in page to look like: I've got the layout ready (that log in form part is just there as an example of what it'd look like completed) but I don't know how to actually implement it into the TCA login page. Could I get some more detailed help with it? I'm using the default TCAdmin 2.0 theme. (Not the dark one, it's hideous)
  9. Woah... This looks awesome! Hope to see more features!
  10. Hi guys. I have the Linux dedicated server files for FEAR Combat but am unsure how I'd go about getting this in a 'config' to add to TCAdmin. How would I do this?
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