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  1. NoDoze are you using the right srcds ? if you can give me an hour or so i will see if i can get the one i started finished.
  2. Sorry it was a busy day yesterday NoDoze and i fell asleep, when i have done my support i will carry on with the configs because we have so many requests for Arma 2 DayZ since we stopped supporting the game so i have to do it any way
  3. Yea Dennis is right, Arma 3 Epoch will not work with MYSQL, you need to have redis enabled on the server for now but hopefully they will include MYSQL support soon.
  4. I'm still setting up a new one now for you, it's getting late here in the Uk and my night staff are taking over now so i will most likely have it finished tomorrow buddy.
  5. Dennis i did not claim it was mine i just posted it on the forums!!!! grow up dude what is your fucking problem...
  6. Why do i have to redeem myself ? if you do not want my configs then fine but i will give them to people that do and i have over 3000 customers to look after and i have much better things to do then have a stupid argument on here when all i was trying to do is help someone..
  7. Dennis lol i am not trying to take credit! some one asked for a config and i gave it to them, i apologize for any inconvenience to you if this is yours and some one has passed it around but i did not try to hurt any one or take credit away i just posted a config...... Christ!
  8. I had; Arma 2 Arma 2 OA Arma 2 CO Arma 2 Dayz Arma 2 Epoch These will take me a little while but bare with me and i will send them over.
  9. You have been able to for a long time Dennis.
  10. I did support Dota2 but i deleted the config but give me a couple of hours and i will send you over a working one unless some one has one handy.
  11. Do you need one for Arma 2 DayZ and Arma 2 OA or just Arma 2 ? they are real easy to make so i do not mind.
  12. Do you know that i have not taken a single configuration from this forum nore have i used this forum and i have come here today and seen people need help and i have been shot down by Dennis and this is unacceptable. Until i get an apologie i will not be giving away any more configs publicly i will only give them to users that pm me. Thanks
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