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Everything posted by PayableOnDeath

  1. i have it setup as a secondary app at the mo but you click stop on the panel it shows as stopped but is still running might try as a seperate app and see if it stops/starts ok
  2. ok, then ET as secondary app ? or as 2 different apps?
  3. Thanks for that am guessing it is setup as a 2nd app? i set it up as a second app it starts it ok but when i hit stop it is till running, tcadmin thinks its stopped so if i hit start it starts it up again and it have 2 running, anyone got any ideas why this is? Thanks David
  4. no it wont be possible for you do it right now 1) you need a server files from EA which are ranking enabled 2) you need EA to add your server IP's to the ranked list lastly you need to be an EA authorized ranked provider, which to my knowledge is closed and they aren't taking any more providers on, so you wont be able to do ranked servers
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