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Everything posted by harryth3hopp3r

  1. email ricky@fastpointgaming.com with what you need and he should be able to sort you out.
  2. Close the CMD window on server stop and all other events with a batch script. Only close the cmd window that belongs to that user: @echo off setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion set "executable=cmd.exe" set "user=TCAGame_Svc$[service.ServiceId]" for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%a in (' tasklist /fi "imagename eq %executable%" /v /fo:csv /nh 2^>nul ^| find /i "%user%" ') do taskkill /pid %%~a /f
  3. I have a config for this with database creation, 1 click mod installs and so on. May consider releasing.
  4. Is it possible to update the value of a variable when installing a mod, then when uninstalling said mod, change the value again. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Ricky
  5. Hello there, I have setup my TCAdmin server including automation of MYSQL service upon creation. I just need somehelp with the automation of MYSQL details (such as username, host, db name, password) in the HiveExt.ini (config file) which is in a directory "C:\TCAFiles\Games\dayz_epoch\cfgdayz\HiveExt.ini" I would like you guys to please create a batch script for me, I would be really thankful. Thanks.
  6. I also would love a config file for this
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