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casker's Achievements

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  1. Hello I have create a Rust server and no one cant join then. Please someone can help ? in webconsole
  2. oh okay but { "response": { "success": true, "servers": [ { "addr": "", "gmsindex": 65534, "reject": "blacklisted", "message": "Servers blacklisted one week for inventory violations", "appid": 730, "gamedir": "csgo", "region": 255, "secure": true, "lan": false, "gameport": 27020, "specport": 0 }, { "addr": "", "gmsindex": 65534, "reject": "blacklisted", "message": "Servers blacklisted one week for inventory violations", "appid": 730, "gamedir": "csgo", "region": 255, "secure": true, "lan": false, "gameport": 27025, "specport": 0 }, { "addr": "", "gmsindex": 65534, "reject": "blacklisted", "message": "Servers blacklisted one week for inventory violations", "appid": 4000, "gamedir": "garrysmod", "region": 255, "secure": true, "lan": false, "gameport": 27035, "specport": 0 }, { "addr": "", "gmsindex": 65534, "reject": "blacklisted", "message": "Servers blacklisted one week for inventory violations", "appid": 4000, "gamedir": "garrysmod", "region": 255, "secure": true, "lan": false, "gameport": 27045, "specport": 0 } ] } } i dont understand ^^
  3. is the only for is game a my clients not can join our servers Please help
  4. please help, i can add the server to my list but not get in failed joining and ind i web console saying nothing
  5. but i can see the servers in the list but cant connect to the server
  6. steamclient.so shortcut i do some valve guide ln -s steamcmd/linux32/steamclient.so ~/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so
  7. I had tried but not working :/
  8. dlopen failed trying to load: /home/tcagame/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so with error: /home/tcagame/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No su ch file or directory
  9. i thinking this about the steam update data is wrong, how to change login back to standard if they dont steam update i copy paste error later
  10. Something with steamclient.so and steam api but servers worked last Day
  11. I have a problem with my clients servers.. When they trying joining our server all failed to joining.. Please help me It's been working before it's just csgo server they not cant join.
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