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  1. Huh, Thank you Those creds should be outdated at all but who knows
  2. Hey guys, I'd like to share all configs of mine (or just all of them I've been downloading for years, would be hard to sort it) and some additional scripts. Eventually, I was applied to the job of my dream so there is no needs to store all of this on my HDD now Feel free to use it anywhere! I'm still opened for some kind of fast job but whatever. Would appreciate some donations here: BTC Wallet: 1C9Y7GuoXr3Bta3f3J4URLS7tcsjKbDfHB ETH (Ethereum) Wallet: 0xa8602e678a1952d0b100f8137e99b546d51c611b XRP (Ripple) Wallet: rUocf1ixKzTuEe34kmVhRvGqNCofY1NJzV Good luck everyone and Merry Xmas! ~Bohdan TCAdminConfig.zip
  3. I finished TS3 Music bot config which fully automated with Hoster API. Could sell it for small price. SKype slenky2
  4. Actually it can be provided using FiveM https://forum.fivem.net/t/fivem-release-topic/89 Should be easy to implement to TCA.
  5. Hi there


    Can you make a config for Minecraft Linux and days of war for windows ???


    Regards Morten


  6. I suppose you need to check your startup parameters, maybe the server somehow thinks that it's launched not in headless mode or something.
  7. Rename your bec file to becSERVICEID.exe (ie bec651.exe) and try this script: if exist bec/Bec.exe goto start_bec exit :start_bec cd bec start /im Bec%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe -f Config.cfg >nul 2>nul && ( echo BEC is runned! ) || ( echo Error with BEC running *** Please Contact Support *** ) exit
  8. slenky


    Made it a long-long time ago, idk does it works now WURM - Windows.xml
  9. Ok, I installed it, but now I can't create any game, in logs many errors caused by authorization.
  10. I fixed it. The problem was, obviously, caused by ; symbol in password
  11. Just default parameters: Pooling=false;Compress=false;Connection Lifetime=900;Connect Timeout=30;
  12. Hello, When I put all the MySQL information I'm stucking on this error: What can I do? In logs: Regards, Bogdan
  13. Server works good for me on Debian 8 using Xvfb and wine. Trying to figure out how to send ctrl+c
  14. I have a config with automated mod installers and mysql management. pm me or add to skype ~Bogdan
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