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Everything posted by zona-gamer

  1. hello PCGamersportal you consigio arma3 in windows 2012? I take days and days on trying to install a server as my server does not start Pid 0 and try to run my arma3server.exe manually and you can not begin to know all this happens? would be a great help
  2. hi all I wanted to know if anyone got arma3 in standard windows edition 2008, I have the xml file here http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11307 downloaded the game and when I install a server appid 0 I get that?
  3. yo subi el archivo xml ase unos meses para linux
  4. hello and created a config for tcadmin for insurjency game Insurgency - Linux.xml
  5. hello and created a config for tcadmin for insurjency game
  6. hello and created a config for tcadmin for insurjency game I leave the post here http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?p=70455&posted=1 # post70455
  7. hi all would like to purchase a theme for my custom panel tcadmin someone intending to do for my custom and I would like to pay for having a theme like this as menu http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=568&d=1248057625 http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=440&d=1221601386 http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=441&d=1221601386 as input http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=567&d=1248056923 I am willing to listen to the best creators or modifiers panel colors that I will like to serious black gray and red ETRAS, I hope my response soporte@zona-gamer.es private or email Thank you all is for the v2 version tcadmin
  8. Hello I would like to buy velocity v2 panel could tell me how? thank you my email or send me a private soporte@zona-gamer.es thanks
  9. I apologize he climbed 3 times haha stayed locked my computer, but all good work is the same
  10. I upload here the xml linux sh script. smelled and that we had to carry me through cheevass for remembering haha arma3 - Linux.xml armserver.zip
  11. upload the script here. smelled sh that I had to carry through cheevass for remembering haha armserver.zip
  12. Hello everyone already configured and working 100% xml server linux arma3 everything works right through tcadmin arma3 - Linux.xml
  13. hello someone already done xml file alinux par with the last upgrade is now available dedicated linux without wine, I hope someone has made, but I tried and failed, do not start servers
  14. and read that I could rent Ranked servers, of ghosts, but it comes out in 4 days, should aver something and where to test servers etc.
  15. Hi all we have learned that call of duty ghosts, let create dedicated servers on windows, anyone know if it is available download files somewhere or as may hostear in our dedicated? thank you very much
  16. hello, I have actuamente all downloads fast in my dedicated, my setup is as follows, my customers upload their maps or any file to their servers and automatically already fastdowloads, I mean not grab a link or anything missing dodne rise again by seguda time only files on your server and uploading them fde fastdowloads ase, the trouble with all this that and proven that if there are 2 or more servers dcambiando map at a time, other servers can lagear, consuming to download that map or files, so my advice is to ride him well, from scratch, with independent fastdowloads servers.
  17. hello Evilsystem: I wanted to let you know that sometimes we passed that, and do not know why esque but some machines closed ovh comes complete iptables so closing the ports used by tcadmin, so check the iptables before and its rules, that v2 tcadmin works perfect with ovh, and almost all
  18. here as installing Weapon 3 on windows http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server and here in linux using wine http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149892-ARMA-III-on-Linux-servers-via-WINE
  19. all good again, and managed to download the files correctly by stacmd game and started it manually with . / srcds_linux-console-condebug-game "insurgency"-secure + map ins_haditha-autoupdate + log on + maxplayers 24-port 27065 + ip tv_port xxxxxxxxxxxx + 0 + fps_max 500-tickrate 100 + exec server.cfg but my question to update the server id is 222880 or the 237410?? and the next thing I want to create them using tcadmin version 2 command line would be equal to tcadmin? or someone has already created xml linux? here is my xml file created but not his mistake insurgency-linux - Linux.xml
  20. hi all my question is there servers rfactor 2 in linux? any website to download? a file for tcadmin? or just for windows? where is the windows or web file if anyone knows anything thank you very much
  21. hello wanted to know if anyone has the file linux APRA trackmania united 2 xml alinux pair, or if they plan to create thanks in advance
  22. hello to all my new question is anyone knows where to download binaries lso new nation trackmania 2? for linux or windows do not mind thanks to all
  23. hello quieor buy the template MyPanel's v2 where I can and how much it costs? trasnferencia or paypal accepted?
  24. Zone-Gamer us have games seperados our orders department orchestrad Red Storm Rising 2 and is actually two different games but using the same system, can also complement each other, simply
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