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  1. I might be willing to share our ark configs, but we have spent a lot of time creating these and have every option that is server admin configurable enabled in the configuration editor.
  2. The config provided previously is for a minimal setup, this config has the configs setup, variables created, database creation scripts and configuration manager working. This comes from a working setup which I created and is on our servers. Edit the scripts to provide the correct database username, password, ip etc. lif - Windows .xml
  3. That's what I was thinking; however, I think that is only a single port? Right now I am just setting the port skipping to one over the max slots. Is there documentation anywhere on what the expression slots support?
  4. I am trying to create a Project Zomboid server which has a wierd setup for the port system where it uses one port per player. Is there a way to do this via the custom query so that tcadmin can manage the ports? "The necessary ports to forward are 16261 (UDP) which serves as a handshake port for communicating with the server. For each possible player slot on your server, you need to forward additional TCP ports, which are used to stream the world to the player clients. If you want a server with 10 slots, you would have to forward 16261 UDP 16262 - 16272 TCP"
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