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Everything posted by XYBERVIRI

  1. Im not able to get the server to show up in the server list, im not sure if its the public port being set to 0, i have also tried setting it to a couple of the other ports. I did noticed the message about servers not appearing though.
  2. I figured out the following to let users send custom messages via scheduled task to their discord for any game with out the use of a bot, using powershell custom actions I used the following custom variables: discord_username, discord_avatarurl, discord_message, discord_webhook $payload = [PSCustomObject]@{ username = $ThisService.Variables.Values["discord_username"] avatar_url = $ThisService.Variables.Values["discord_avatarurl"] content = $ThisService.Variables.Values["discord_message"] } Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ThisService.Variables.Values["discord_webhook"] -Method Post -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100) -ContentType 'application/json' Make sure your variables are set as script parameters: https://help.tcadmin.com/Custom_Scripts#Capture_values_before_executing_the_script
  3. One of my servers scheduled tasks is not running at all. I have a schedule restart and its not firing off. can some one point me in the right direction of what could be causing this? edit: issue fixed, was a problem with licensing running out and a server restart being needed. Also the scheduled tasks all needed to be recreated because a restart didnt fix the issue initially.
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