Use a web hosting cpanel account. Allow the game server IP on your Remote MySQL list and then convert your tcadmin sqlite to mysql entering your new database details you configured on the remote SQL machine
Hello all.
We have experienced a number of issues with tca running on centos 6.7 over the past couple of years and due to the library restrictions and games restrictions we are now migrating the server to ubuntu.
The install has worked fine, the db has connected fine and the files have been transferred however im seeing StartErrors (PID 0) on all the servers that were working on centos.
The error im seeing is this from a manual startup.
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Segmentation fault
we are using Ubuntu 14.04 and would appreciate any information on how to rectify this as i fear the current version will only get worse.
Thank you in advance for your help
Hello, has anyone got a working Unturned Linux game config file.
I cannot, for the life of me, find a working version of one.
I look forward to all of your replies.