are there more ports needed to open up to allows a webuser to see the rcon window or steam update screens.. normal functions happen with he game ports opened in csf like joining and playing on the server but unless I whitelist the ip they can not see some options on the website like listed above rcon windows steam update functions and other lil ones will just give a time out unless i whitelist the ip any one else use csf and could point me in the right place...
just in case csf stands for ConfigServer Security & Firewall
also running the latest beta of tcadmin
I have to physically transfer over the mod files folder and file, i can get the server to start and join. once i restart it wipes the mods out and says improper mod mismatch. i have tried removing the command auto managed mods and running it that way, and it seems to lose its memory every time i restart the server. i am running cent os7.
ill look into this when i can but a good start would be install another ark config after import name it atlas and start from there its pretty much same game a few difference i seen at a glance not much