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  1. You're my only skype contact... Just you wait... haha
  2. Uhh you both should send them to me so I can compare them... I'll let you know...
  3. Nailed it. I am now experimenting with some AJAX calls to the login.aspx, but I am stuck with some cross site scripting security I have in place. I will have to move my login page to the same web server hosting the tcadmin pages... but I am not sure if that is possible. I opened a ticket with Luis, so we'll see...
  4. Sorry guys. I just can't give my images away. I had to pay an artist, so it was not free. I really wish I had a better way of doing this rather than a form post. If the password is invalid or something, i can't display it on that page. Hopefully somebody has a better way of modifying the login.aspx page so I can integrate it right in to the login page.
  5. Well, I had this epic plan to customize my login page like so... But upon seeing the code is compiled, and I could not add divs to the login.aspx I just made a simple form and posts to the login page. I am not super happy with that, but it works and I got my desired effect. Check it out. https://www.gamersdns.com/gamelogin.html
  6. Hello, I am just trying to get an idea of what type of infrastructure most people are using with tcadmin. I assume most people are using a master server, along with a SQL server of sorts. Is anybody using tcadmin with a load balancer? Are you running games or voice servers on your master server? And as far as remote servers go. What is the most common setup? Individual servers for specific games and applications? Or multi-use servers, running a combination of games? From a license standpoint, it would make sense to use a multi-use server. Do you run CS:GO and TFC on the same machines? But from a performance and optimization standpoint I think it would be beneficial to have each service/application on their own machines specific to those services. 1 server for ventrilo 1 server for minecraft vs 1 server with ventrilo and minecraft
  7. It appears that this is now working after the last update.
  8. Yes, that checkbox is checked. And yes captcha is turned off. I have an SSL installed on the tcadmin, and the use SSL connection checked in the whmcs setup. I have also tried to disable the SSL in both, and same issue.
  9. Hello, When I try to import any xml file from the offical game config sticky thread, I receive the error. Column 'update_id' does not belong to table tc_game_scripts. An ideas? Should I add that column to the database table? Did the DB structure change? That sticky post is a few years old now, but none the less its for v2. Thank you!
  10. No sir, two factor is turned off.
  11. Hello, I am using WHMCS to run tcadmin. And everything works great as far as provisioning, start, stop, restart, ect.. However, when I test the slot changes - either add slots or decrease slots I get this error in the Tcadmin Logs. For testing purposes, I am using the administrator account. So what exactly is being denied? --------------------------- 08/06/2015 20:43:00 TCAdmin.SDK TCAdmin.SDK.Security.SecurityException: Access is denied. at TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.ObjectBase.CanSave() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.Service.CanSave() at TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.ObjectBase.Save() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.Service.Save() at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.x210d5b6727e48824() at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) -----------------------------
  12. Hello, I have noticed that tcadmin reporting about 13-15mb per instance. However, when I look at the task manager on the server they are about 2-3mb. Why the huge discrepancy?
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