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  1. I have emailed you with the details thanks again you have been very patient
  2. sorry for double post, didn't realize it had sent first time lol
  3. tried with your command line, edited to my ip ect, i can now see the variables in the server activity (before it said connection failed). but still can not connect, also cannot find the log.txt file?
  4. ok tried with this commandline -batchmode +server.hostname "[EGA]" +server.maxplayers 50 +server.port 28015 +server.identity "identities" +server.level "HapisIsland" +server.saveinterval 60 +server.secure True +rcon.password "test123" +rcon.ip +rcon.port 28216 -logFile "log.txt" i now can see variables ect when i click server activity (before it said connection failed) however it is not showing a server name now, and I still cant connect in-game, cant seem to see a log.txt file now either, where would this file create? thanks
  5. yes directx installed, here is current command line http://pastebin.com/jA0YKjnz
  6. http://pastebin.com/Ha5LXBZn thanks I should have thought of that first lol.
  7. wont let me post it all here, says im including to many images? lmao no idea where its getting images from the code im copying but can i send u it on skype or somthing? thanks
  8. Initialize engine version: 5.1.0f3 (ec70b008569d) Forcing GfxDevice: 4 NullGfxDevice: Version: NULL 1.0 [1.0] Renderer: Null Device Vendor: Unity Technologies FMOD failed to get driver capabilities ... Error initializing output device. (Filename: Line: 477) FMOD failed to get driver capabilities ... Error initializing output device. (Filename: Line: 477) Crash!!!
  9. hi, Im trying to setup a rust server using tcadmin 2.0 on windows server 2008 r2, I have setup a custom config and everything appears to work tcadmin side, i.e server shows as running, can start stop ect. But i cannot connect or see the server at all, I have checked the task manager on my server and the rustdedicated.exe is running using 3.5gb ram and 0% cpu? I have tried to manually connect using client.connect in game but allways says connection failed. I also quickly installed a wolfienstien server just to make sure it wasnt an error in my tcadmin setup and that runs fine and I can connect no issues. I would appreciate any advice anyone has. Thanks
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