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Everything posted by MrLuke82

  1. yes, im testing it now, use RConPort=$[service.RConport]? but it set only rconport to 0 , so trying to find it out know, does rconport not work if its same as query port ??
  2. Did it worked with half life 2 console?
  3. yes i can maybe post a new config file if no one is before me, i dont have time before the friday or saturday, i have so mutch work right now. Have a ARK server up for test and it got so popular that i had to make it to 120slots, its full all the time, with bug twitch streamers that love the ark server its not getting better haha, ddos attack every 5minutes and so on, but ddos protection is a must, where do you guys rent server from? anyone else that dont rent but have own servers?
  4. Will be nice with RCON and Server Administration UI! Upcoming Version: 185.0 * Approximate 30% Dedicated Server performance gain * Removed caps for Play Local menu: you can now enter any values you like into the various options' text fields and they'll be saved/used properly. * Doubled the # of inventory slots in the fridge * RCON for Server Admins * Server Administration UI! * Fixed collision on Stone Foundation/Ceiling so that you can properly fit through the Stone doorway in between them. * Fixed case where in-ground Pillars were not being considered "Foundations" * Air Conditioning units are 100% more powerful insulation and 100% more range * Two new tripwire traps:audio alarm and gas bomb * Audio-Alarm Away & Offline raiding notifications, Phase 1! * Picking up a tripwire object now gives you the tripwire object and doesn't detonate the other end of it * Fixed a bug with dinos that were in-taming process becoming super slow if tame process was finished after a reload * Ceiling replacement no longer becomes obstructed by objects on the ceiling * Reduced OP cat-tail foliage resource giving * Eliminated issue where large amounts of structures could cause client disconnection or bandwidth starvation (mega lag) * ARK Dev Kit Game Data Override: Create your own survival game with total capability to override the core "gamedata" of ARK in your mod: everything can then be changed, from Engrams to Items to Character States to Dossiers. You don't even need to make a new map, you can just override all values/content on the existing ARK Island! * Mod makers can now override the minimap and spawn regions * Mods can now force the player to spawn-in rather than displaying the respawn map [More Notes to Come!]
  5. anyone now how to get special characters in server name? i add in .ini file like this: [sessionSettings] SessionName="![EU]my|server|name|" <- this works in .ini file, but have to add" before every restart :S after a restart the config file is without " before and after server name and it delete everyting after special characters and shows like this after a restart: [sessionSettings] SessionName=![EU]my anyone know what to do ?
  6. if i try to use file manager in controll panel as a user i get this error: End of Stream encountered before parsing was completed. Nobody that know why ? :S
  7. i have Tcadmin 2 on windows server 2012 And tested out ARK server, in user control panel is say: Name: 40 slots ARK: Survival Evolved How to get it to show with server version it is like this: Name: 40 slots ARK: Survival Evolved - (v178.2) if anyone now? And if i try file manager in user controll panel i get this error: End of Stream encountered before parsing was completed. anyone know whats wrong ?
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