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Everything posted by Ynd21

  1. So..? Guess its harder then it looks.
  2. Yep totally does which is weird lol. I see the code via inspect but it's not activating. I'm sure I'm messing something up just can't put my finger on it
  3. Thanks for getting back to me. Tried that already before, still not showing up. Its weird, if I inspect element and look at the css it's calling the code, just not displaying it. I've made sure I tried incognito in Chrome, Private Browsing in Firefox etc etc. (http://screencast.com/t/RLJ9XO5W0d) -- I know the code works though, since its working via Inspect Element (http://screencast.com/t/GsuBatZM0hQU) Think of anything else? Was thinking I could find the template file and just inline style it, but when I open login.aspx it just tells me its a holding file
  4. Hey guys, I'm trying to add a logo to the login page of TCAdmin. I'm able to add it via Inspect Element (http://screencast.com/t/Ix79x7S8V) .TCAdmin_LoginContainer::before { position: absolute; content: url("urlpath"); margin-top: -250px; margin-left: 50px; } but when I add the code to custom.css, it isn't actually being displayed. Anyone have any ideas, or know which file I need to modify to use inline styling? Thanks!
  5. Hey man, Hope it's ok but I went ahead and recreated your Theme. I liked the nice red you found and just had to make it lol.
  6. I'd also love a PZ cfg please - will totally pay someone for one!
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