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Everything posted by Lemon

  1. Lemon


    I have started again with the Rust config because that one was a bit far gone, I have just done a standard fully working Rust config with the new Query (took me ages to get the Query working with the new ports ); Game Port: 28015 Query Port: 28015 Rcon Port: 28017 +2 There is no messing around just import the config download the game files (game not needed) and deploy your rust server I am adding Oxide to get the latest files everytime and some other stuff to my config so if you want that one then let me know and I will post it up. rust - Windows.xml
  2. Lemon


    Hehe, sorry I should have been more clear in my reply
  3. Lemon


    Yes you are right Dennis but what you are missing is the fact that it can't be the same as the Query port...
  4. Lemon


    There is a Rcon issue with that config, you want to change it to +2 from the game port and not +1 like it is.
  5. Windows Config terraria - Windows.xml
  6. The current Linux version is out of date, I will play around with it and post it up for windows
  7. I have uploaded a new version just to fix two small errors with the variables.
  8. I forgot to add mod support... I will do that now and replace the file.
  9. Alpha 215.3 ARK Config file Hi Guy's, I have been working on this config for a few days now and decided to put it up for everyone as the configs I found on here did not really work. Note: I will keep updating this post and below are all the features I have managed to implement. 1 - [Added] custom commandline for Hostname & Map change 2 - [Added] 71 Custom variables for all the server settings available up to 27/09/15 & ARK Remote support 3 - [Added] Support for Game Tracker (server will automatically submit to GT) 4 - [Added] Simple script to backup the player and world data (scheduled task available for this) 5 - [Added] ARK Remote Server Manager Mod and setup all variables for this including the configuration editor and blocked customers from changing slots/port via ARK Remote. 6 - [Added] Game Directory fix for ARK Remote double slashes = "GameDirectory": "D:\\Clients\\Users\\$[service.UserName]\\$[service.ServiceId]". 7 - [Added] Script to start ARK Remote after mod install. 8 - [Added] Script to stop ARK Remote (this does not need to be used really just thought I would include it). 9 - [Added] some custom icons for Knowledgebase and submit a support ticket (icons are hosted on my server and links I have removed so you will need to update these). 10 - [Changed] Some default icons I have changed and I purchased these so you are welcome to use them just shoot me a pm and I will send them over. 11 - [Added] Custom variables to show the connection details to ARK remote (control panel port / password / IP) from the configuration editor (user can update the controlpanel pass if he/she desires) The way I done ARK Remote is that the server will run fine in the panel vanilla but when the owner wants to use ARK Remote then the you would shut down the server >> install ARK Remote >> Start ARK Remote Icon >> Use ARK server launcher and connect to the Remote with the details provide in the configuration editor and from there you can use ARK remote to start/stop and change any settings without going to the game panel. I have added the config for you. If you can improve this config them please do so and share it back one here. Thanks ark - Windows.xml
  10. The only issue I seem to be having is the numeric text box, I can not seem to replicate the value "0.000000" it just replaces it with "0".... been stuck now for two days.
  11. I am not sure if this is a bit to late but I got round this in the following way; "GameDirectory": "D:\\Clients\\Users\\$[service.UserName]\\$[service.ServiceId]",
  12. Hi, Could any one help me with a custom script, I am trying to create a script that asks for values before executing it. What I wanted to do Is create a sort of manager that hold the server backups, restore and so on in one dropdown via a script and I know I have to check the box that the variable is a script value I just can't seem to fin the way to include it into the script. Thanks in advance.
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