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  1. I love this idea!!! I was just thinking this as well. The ability to use both Game ID's.
  2. My two cents: McMyAdmin created and developed by CubeCoders is a great Minecraft CP management system, I personally would only use this if you know your clients are going to understand it as it is quite an advanced control panel with great features and UI. TCADMIN is fantastic! especially with the ability to easily add and create your own Game templates / server configs, you can see all resources at all times, you can choose to allow clients to view or not to view this as well. I allow my clients to view all statistics as it is nice to be able to see how much bandwidth your using, CPU and memory. You can use the good old shared or dedicated assignment with TCADMIN which is good for those who want that little bit extra flexibility. I personally use the following Control panel setup. CraftSRV: for Minecraft TCADMIn: for all game servers as well as Minecraft I like to give my clients flexibility and plenty of choices. We also provide McMyAdmin and Multicraft KVM's so I suppose that is a total of 4 different control panels that we provide for server management of Games and Minecraft.
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