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Everything posted by Codemeister

  1. This doesn't seem like a good solution, or I am reading it wrong. I want a button in the control panel (from customer view) so that if the customer clicks the button, he can enter a Mod ID or scroll through a list with available mods, and once he clicks/enters it, the installation starts. That is what I have seen earlier at another company. Is this possible?
  2. If you manage to find the setting, let us know here.
  3. Thanks for your reply, but does this work with TCAdmin? Or is it based on commandline-commands only? As the customer does not SSH-access to the server.
  4. Hi folks, One of my customers mentioned that his old hosting provider had a button in their control panel (TCAdmin), which could be used to install mods with just one click. I recall it was something called 'Steam Workshop Mod Manager', but not exactly sure. It was some sort of plugin for TCAdmin, or something they built themselves, so that customers can select a mod, click the install button, the server will download the mod using SteamCMD and install the files to the customer's directory. I tried Googling it but no luck yet. Does anyone has any idea about what this mod is called? Or someone has it available for download(/sale)? Oh and yes - I was planning to use it on a ARK Survival-server. Thanks! Edit: I forgot to mention that the customer is now using ARKLauncher but that program is pretty buggy and does not run good. I'm not looking for remote tools but something on the server/TCA itself.
  5. The customer tested a server at another company, also using TCAdmin, and that server had no problems. Isn't this some setting? Edit: nevermind, also does show the wrong playercount.
  6. Hi folks, I am running a ARK server for one of my customers, and the player count is wrong. Example: there are 10 players in the server (30 slot), 5 of them disconnect or crash, but the server still shows 10/30. Then 5 new players connect, so the server shows 15/30. This goes on and on until it shows 30/30 and people cannot connect through Steam as the server shows it's full. When connecting through the in-game server browser, the player count is shown correctly. All required ports are open in the firewall. Anyone has any idea how to fix this? Thanks!
  7. I figured, but since I spent too much time on getting it fixed, I decided to go back to one disk. The I/O traffic from the OS is so low that it probably won't cause issues on the gameservers. Or at least I haven't noticed.
  8. The game files were located on D: and the TCAdmin installation was located on C: - this was causing permission issues. Couldn't get it to work. Changed back to files on C: and everything works now.
  9. Hi all, I've been searching for some days now, but I did not find any related topics. The question I am trying to answer is that TCAGame, the local user for running gameservers, does not have permissions. When I try to start a gameserver after installing it, TCAGame tries to start the process. Nothing happens though, no error, nothing. I already switched the games so they run as Local Admin, but to avoid security risks I would like to configure the TCAGame-user so that it actually works. I am running Windows Server 2012 R2, the OS is installed on the C-disk, the games (and thus gameservers) are installed on the D-disk. Any suggestions? Or is it a known problem? Thanks, Julian
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