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Everything posted by hydrocut
ne pas mourir de faim est ex?cuter manuellement
hum i'm running windows
I wonder if it's not a problem of tcadmin. when I live connect me on the dedicated games I can access the file I run the .exe and it starts no problem correctly
I did everything I just reinstall windows server 2012 and tcadmin v2 I installed as the first games do not starve and toujour the same problem he does not want to start I can give you access if you want to observe the problem
I tried everything I reinstall 20,000 once I changed everywhere I turn on Windows 2012 with the last update of 2.0 tcadmin
[00:00:00]: Starting Up [00:00:00]: Version: 148470 [00:00:00]: Current time: Thu Oct 08 12:33:49 2015 [00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 148470 WIN32 NNN Build Date: 2015-09-01_13-20-47 [00:00:00]: Parsing command line [00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -port 10999 -tick 30 -players 8 [00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler [00:00:00]: ....Done [00:00:00]: Fixing DPI [00:00:00]: ...Done [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (2176) [00:00:00]: HttpClient2::ClientThread::Main() [00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:9.01 [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=30(1), D=0 [00:00:00]: Authorized application C:\TCAFiles\Users\guigui\6\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is enabled in the firewall. [00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save/blocklist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save/adminlist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save/whitelist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread [00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize() [00:00:00]: --- ERROR LOADING sound/dontstarve.fev [00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:00]: LOADING LUA [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile Could not load lua file scripts/main.lua [00:00:00]: Error loading main.lua [00:00:00]: Failed mSimulation->Reset() [00:00:00]: Error during game initialization! Updates 0Seconds elapsed: 1.13392 fps:0 [00:00:00]: Collecting garbage... [00:00:00]: lua_gc took 0.00 seconds [00:00:00]: ~NetworkLuaProxy() [00:00:00]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:00:00]: lua_close took 0.00 seconds [00:00:00]: HttpClient2::ClientThread::Main() complete [00:00:00]: Shutting down
Did you try at home?
runas /user:TCAGame cmd.exe Password: J6X4HRxxxxxxxx1RQ8fLK cd /d C:\TCAFiles\Users\guigui\4\ bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe -port 10999 -tick 30 -players 8
the content is present
file are all but now I have to check. my server runs on Windows 2012 so I have access via remote destock and I manage to start the server from remote but not from the tcadmin
[00:00:00]: Starting Up [00:00:00]: Version: 148470 [00:00:00]: Current time: Wed Oct 07 17:08:32 2015 [00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 148470 WIN32 NNN Build Date: 2015-09-01_13-20-47 [00:00:00]: Parsing command line [00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -port 10999 -tick 30 -players 50 [00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler [00:00:00]: ....Done [00:00:00]: Fixing DPI [00:00:00]: ...Done [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (2196) [00:00:00]: HttpClient2::ClientThread::Main() [00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:9.17 [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=30(1), D=0 [00:00:00]: [Warning] Authorized application C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is not setup in the firewall. [00:00:00]: [Warning] Add failed: 0x80070005 [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save/blocklist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save/adminlist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether/save/whitelist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread [00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize() [00:00:00]: --- ERROR LOADING sound/dontstarve.fev [00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:00]: LOADING LUA [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile Could not load lua file scripts/main.lua [00:00:00]: Error loading main.lua [00:00:00]: Failed mSimulation->Reset() [00:00:00]: Error during game initialization! Updates 0Seconds elapsed: 0.122657 fps:0 [00:00:00]: Collecting garbage... [00:00:00]: lua_gc took 0.00 seconds [00:00:00]: ~NetworkLuaProxy() [00:00:00]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:00:00]: lua_close took 0.00 seconds [00:00:00]: HttpClient2::ClientThread::Main() complete [00:00:00]: Shutting down
o Nice Thank you to you , thank you to temp to help me
hello up http://dont-starve-game.wikia.com/wiki/Guides/Don%E2%80%99t_Starve_Together_Dedicated_Servers I would like to create a server do not starve tcadmin but I need help
Version windows
Bonjour J'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un parmi vous aurai la config pour un serveur don't starve together ? Merci cordialement