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  1. Hi, does anyone know for sure where the commands should go? I?m having issues with the ports everytime they release an update. Right now I?m trying to set Port and QueryPort in the command line and leave Engine.ini empty. I?m getting handshake errors and I can only see 1 of the 2 servers in the list. Anyone manage to find out how does this game exactly works? Cause right now I can?t make it work. This is the setup I have right now: Server1 Port=27015 QueryPort=27017 Server2 Port=27025 QueryPort=27027 When I start the servers, I check the ports listening and they are using: 27015, 27016 and 27017 for the Server1 27025, 27026 and 27027 for the Server2 Only 1 of them is showing in the Steam server list. Am I doing something wrong? All the ports are properly forwarded and open. Do I need to add something to Engine.ini? How should I? Thanks in advance, I would really apreciate some help in this matter, I?m completely blocked right now.
  2. Hi, Yes I could, but after expending 2 days configuring Linux to run the server I don?t really like to wipe everything to install windows and then install TCAdmin and then copy the file to wipe again to install LInux. I have another server which is Windows but I would need to transfer the key to that server so I could install it. That?s the reason why I?m asking here if someone could export it and paste it here. I?m not the kind of guy who just asks in forums when he needs something instead of looking for it. If I post here its because I really need it. Thanks in advance, Mario
  3. Hi, When I install TCAdmin under Windows the template comes with it yes, but not for Linux, thats what I mean. So I?m wondering if one of you could export the Windows template and just post it here, this way I could build my own template for Linux. Thanks in advance, Mario
  4. Hi, I did use the search tab but without the results I expected. All the posts I find doesn't contain the template, just some text from 2 years ago discussing about the config. I would like to have the template that comes with the TcAdmin v2 when you install it for windows. I've been running the server great for 5 months and now I switched to Linux, but there is no template for Linux by default. I would like if some of you could just export the template from Windows and post it here so I can start building the config from there. Thanks in advance, Regards, Mario
  5. Hi, Could anyone post here, or let me know where I can find a config file for Rust? I?m installing on Linux and I need a Windows one to compare some stuff. I?ve been looking in the forum but I can?t find it anywhere. Thanks in advance, Mario
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