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Everything posted by gsg

  1. Howdy! Anyone have experience with custom actions ( being ran by a scheduled task ) not functioning the same as when they run as custom icons? I have a plink / telnet script running to do more graceful shutdowns of some gameservers. They work perfectly when ran as Custom Icons, but when they are ran as Custom Actions, they are not processing correctly ( In this case, the commands being sent to the telnet server arent matching what they are when I use a Custom icon ). Any clues as to why this may be and how I might fix it?
  2. Ok... maybe an example will help.. In my command line ( for linux server ), lets say its -run -server -log DATEGOESHERE What variable or value do I need to use to get it to replace DATEGOESHERE with the.. date. I tried `date %y-%m-%d` but it just processes that directly and doesn't replace it with the actual date.
  3. yes, thats what i'm saying. I want to include the current date and time as part of the log file name. and that has to be specified in the command line. I can't figure out how to get tcadmin to parse the command line in such a way as to include the date and time.
  4. Is there an easy way to get tcadmin to put the current date and time in a command line? For some log files, you have to specify the name of the logfile, and when it includes the date, I can't figure out how to put said date in.
  5. I'm trying to figure out a command line and am not finding a way to do it. I have a commandline variable called Mod. The template for it is ?Mod=<mod values> I only want ?Mod= to be put into the predefined commandline, if Mod actually has a value besides blank. Is there a way to do this?
  6. So, I have a weird issue. Ark crashes after about 5 minutes if I run it using tcadmin. If, however, I copy the command line, and type everything exactly as the 'preview' shows, and run it myself, it runs perfectly. I'm at a loss for what could cause this, as the 'log' doesn't capture anything.
  7. Updates can't happen because its set to unique. Changed it from primary key to index, and now details are storing as they should every 1/2 hour.
  8. Hi! So I setup a temporary host to get some good 'live stats' so I could determine some things about game hosting. Theres only 3 entries in the live stats folder, a majority of which are filled with "none". I checked the indivdiual games setups, and they do say they are logging stats. What am I missing?
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