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  1. Hi, I am wanting to show the server name/hostname on the Game server list, so that it is easier to find. I am trying to setup the Query Protocol for Assetto Corsa Competizione, so I went with Config File Parsers Now my question: It says Hostname Rule, and says I can use HostName But it doesn't appear to be working, in my config I have "serverName": "$[HostName]", Do I need to put: serverName or HostName or $[HostName] in the Hostname Rule field? I am sure I had this working sometime ago but had a hard drive crash and lost the config file, and I never updated the one on the forum.
  2. Hi, I am just creating a config for a game and would like to know how do I do slots +4 for a setting I want to have slots 10 set to X while Max set to Z X = Slots 10 Z = Slots +4 Z = X +4 Can I do the below in the config or will that not work? If not do you have any suggestions? $[Service.Slots] +4
  3. Thanks for the reply, that is what I thought be the case
  4. GazCBG Bugs

    Hi, Feel free to add your own bugs in this post. I am unable to download file(s) in the file manager on the MVC, the only way I can download is by downing the following; Right Click on the File Manager and pick This Frame -> Show only this frame and then click on the download link Seems like the Frame is refreshing but not doing anything.
  5. Hi, I currently have 1 server with a Master TCAdmin and just ordered a second server in another location. Do I need to get a remote or master license to do the below? I am wanting to use WHMCS to set my game servers in the require location, so if; Someone orders location A it get setup on Server 1 Someone orders location B it get setup on Server 2 Server 1 = Location A + Master server Server 2 = Location B
  6. Hi, I currently have 1 server with TCAdmin which is setup and working fine. I have just ordered another server, when I get that I will order a remote license for it. I have MySQL setup for TCAdmin on the master server and the user is in localhost mode, will this cause an issue, when adding the remote server? I presume it will as the user is in localhost mode, but want to confirm before I go changing stuff.
  7. GazCBG Bugs

    Exporting game Config fixed itself, it appears with the upgrade to I also have a issue with adding the Name etc... to the Grid to the Game Service pages, but was able to do it, by going to /Aspx/ then login and add it there and going back to the MCV.
  8. GazCBG Bugs

    I am running TCAdmin latest on Ubuntu 18.04 with Nginx and Let's Encrypt SSL with port redirect 8881 to 443 which works fine. But I am unable to export any configs, it just loads a blank page with the TCAdmin header. It appears anything that is called from the /Aspx folder doesn't seem to work corrrectly, a similar setup. I did also use the MVC Nginx setup config
  9. I will answer my own question as I just did it. You need Nginx and also re-route port 80 to 8880. Note: Anything already running on port 80 will most likely stop.
  10. Hi, At the moment I have IP:8880 and sub.domain:8880 I would like it to run as sub.domain without the port number. So am thinking about using Nginx When using Nginx do I need to use sub.domain:PORT or will sub.domain work without port number? If not I presume I mix both the Port redirect and Nginx?
  11. This is a quick Assetto Corsa config I put together for Linux should be easy to change to Windows. ac - Linux.xml
  12. No problems, just posted my Assetto Corsa Competizione config at: https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?p=79847 You maybe able to use that as a template to get Assetto Corsa config working with some changes. As the one you attached had stracker and some other bits included in it.
  13. Hi, Below is my Assetto Corsa Competizione game config I have it running on Linux with Wine and have also included the run .sh file You will need to get the server files from the Assetto Corsa Competizione game folder (from: /steamapps/common/Assetto Corsa Competizione/server/) As the game is in early development at this stage and has no Steam server download ID Once you have the files place them in (for Windows not sure) /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/acc If you are running Windows you will need to change 2 settings 1. Operating System to Windows under Game Information 2. Relative Executable to accServer.exe under Files & Directories That should do it, not tested as don't have Windows OS To install Wine for this game on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) was not so straight forwards to get it to work, below is what I did apt install wine-development -y mkdir /home/acc cd /home/acc UPLOAD SERVER FILES to /home/acc wine ./accServer.exe Press CTRL and C It may throught up some errors if so, you need run the following dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install wine32-development acc.zip
  14. Thanks for the config, it is Assetto Corsa that one. Assetto Corsa Competizione is still in early development. I will put one together myself to run on Linux using Wine to run it.
  15. Got it. It is under: Settings > Games & Other Voice Services > GAME > File System Permissions
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