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  1. No, it doesnt need a token.
  2. Nice explanation, but not possible in my case. I dont share the game and I tried even to connect to other computer running "dedicated ROK"
  3. Yes, I am just lost The game needs port 7350 + 27015 open I will show you "the config" of the server... I made some very small changesto ROK config I have found here long time ago, everything was working 10 days ago 100%, I just cant find the error in config. # -- Server -- isPrivate = 'False' # Hides from the lobby if true. serverName = 'SomeServerName' greeting = '' # The message that is displayed to new players when they join. maxPlayers = '10-40' bindIP = 'ServerIPHere' portNumber = '7350' # [Port-forward as UDP] password = '' restartTime = '0' # 0 seconds to disable. enableCommands = 'True' # When set to false, all commands are disabled. flyDetection = 'True' # If true, the server will check for players using fly hack. timeBetweenPlayerJoin = '10' # The seconds the server waits before allowing a player since the last player joined. Default: 10 steamAuthPort = '27015' # The port the steam authenticator will use to communicate with steam. steamAuthTimeout = '60' # The amount of seconds before the steam authentication fails when a player connects. targetFrameRate = '60' # Default: 60 # -- Ping Limit -- enablePingLimit = 'True' # Kick players who exceed the ping limit while this is enabled. pingPort = '7350' # [Port-forward as TCP] The port dedicated to managing player pings. This number can be shared with the gameplay port. pingLimit = '200' # [Minimum = 50, Maximum = 10000] An average ping limit in milliseconds. eg. 200 = 0.2 seconds pingGraphLength = '120' # [Minimum = 10, Maximum = 3600] The length of the graph used to calculate the average ping as seconds. A longer graph gives more room for latency spikes. eg. 120 = 2 minutes # -- Automatic Report Ban -- autoReportBanEnabled = 'False' # Ban players who accumulate too many spam or exploit report points while this is enabled. # reportThresholdMultiplier = \'1\' \# [Minimum = 0, Maximum = 100] Multiply the report point threshold used to ban players. eg. 0 = instant ban on any report, 1 = default, 2 = requires twice as many report points to ban. # -- World -- saveLocation = 'Saves/' # The location to save the worlds slots. worldSlot = '22' # -1 creates a new world. allowSaving = 'True' levelName = 'StormWall' # CrownLand, StormWall # gameMode = \'Creative\' \# Survival, Creative # -- Game -- gameMode = 'Survival' # Survival, Creative randomRelocation = 'True' # Whether or not the game should randomly relocate players when spawning into tight areas. decay = 'False' # If placed objects and blocks decay and destroy over time. # Changing these value will not affect pre-existing objects. blockDecay = '-1' # The time it takes, in seconds, for blocks to decay outside a crest area. Less than zero default is used. prefabDecay = '-1' # The time it takes, in seconds, for non-blocks to decay outside a crest area. Less than zero default is used. crestSiege = 'False' # If the crest area can be under siege. blockCollapsing = 'True' # If blocks collapse when not attached to the ground. # -- Next -- reportThresholdSpam = '3' # [Minimum = 0, Maximum = 100] A point threshold used to ban players when valid reports are submitted. Reports are worth less points when repeated by players or guildmates. eg. 0 = instant ban on any valid report, 3 = ~3 valid reports. daysBannedForSpam = '1' # [Minimum = 0] 0 days will ban a player forever. Repeat bans will increase the duration additively. reportThresholdExploit = '5' # [Minimum = 0, Maximum = 100] A point threshold used to ban players when valid reports are submitted. Reports are worth less points when repeated by players or guildmates. eg. 0 = instant ban on any valid report, 5 = ~5 valid reports. daysBannedForExploit = '7' # [Minimum = 0] 0 days will ban a player forever. Repeat bans will increase the duration additively. # Changing these values will not affect pre-existing objects. # -- The End -- Server starts then it shows few errors, the biggest issue is, server "cant autenticate" steam user connecting the game, which means I am guessing the problem is steam connection, but I have exactly same issue if I run it on my laptop without a firewall...
  4. Everything was running 100%, something has changed and I cant make it run. I have proper config. Any help?
  5. Hi everybody, I am looking for config for this game. Thank you very much for sharing
  6. Thank you for reply. I think if the user stops the server from the game console with /shutdown, TCAdmin still shows the process is running. Will try it again several times.
  7. 7 Days To Die querry stopped working, it throws errors
  8. I have tried to play with this config, no luck yet
  9. Thank you for response. Yes, Mariadb is on same server and path is correct, I checked everything like 20 times.
  10. I am using this config with Maria 5.5, I was trying to tune up some things, but it was just horrible fail. I am using this from this config: create user script: @echo off set dbname=%ThisGame_ShortName%_%ThisService_ServiceId% set dbuser=%ThisUser_UserName%_%ThisGame_ShortName%_%ThisService_ServiceId% set dbpassword=%ThisUser_Password% set mysqluser=tcadmin set mysqlpassword=secure_pass set mysqlhost= set mysqlport=mariadb_port "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 5.5\bin\mysql" -h %mysqlhost% -u %mysqluser% -p%mysqlpassword% -P %mysqlport% -e "CREATE USER '%dbuser%'@'localhost';" "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 5.5\bin\mysql" -h %mysqlhost% -u %mysqluser% -p%mysqlpassword% -P %mysqlport% -e "SET PASSWORD FOR '%dbuser%'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('%dbpassword%');" "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 5.5\bin\mysql" -h %mysqlhost% -u %mysqluser% -p%mysqlpassword% -P %mysqlport% -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `lif_%ThisService_ServiceId%` . * TO '%dbuser%'@'localhost';" delete database script: set dbname=%ThisGame_ShortName%_%ThisService_ServiceId% set dbuser=%ThisUser_UserName%_%ThisUser_UserId%_%ThisService_ServiceId% set mysqluser=tcadmin set mysqlpassword=secure_pass set mysqlhost= set mysqlport=mariadb_port "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 5.5\bin\mysql" -h %mysqlhost% -u %mysqluser% -p%mysqlpassword% -P mysqlport%% -e "DROP USER '%dbuser%'@'localhost';" "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 5.5\bin\mysql" -h %mysqlhost% -u %mysqluser% -p%mysqlpassword% -P mysqlport%% -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %dbname%;" none of them is working for me If I want to run LiF gameservice, I have to manualy add user and DB into mariaDB, then the config is working for me I was looking for script to backup database for user with a button in game panel, but I didnt have luck for it.
  11. Hi everybody, I want to share something I have found out. I am using config LiF which is on tcadmin pages, after todays update LiF didnt want to run. It was crashing and/or throwing error with library QtCore4.dll. This solution works if you have LiF server running. Solution: backup somewhere config folder + config_local.cs you will need it ! delete all in folder where is your LiF dedicated server get freshly updated files from steam copy these new files back into your LiF dedicated server folder copy config folder + config_local.cs into LiF dedicated folder hit "start" in tcadmin I have no idea why steam update was not working today for me.
  12. yes kroko email me, my solution is probably not most clever but it works, if it will work for you, you can share it.
  13. it was easy task, PM me I will explain
  14. got several game copies, but dont know what to do... The config is always same for every instance. Its in "my games" and all game instances are trying to use exactly same config as for first game instance. Any help?
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