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Everything posted by platchford02

  1. it says what its updating but it does not work how do I fixs that
  2. you need to download the the arma3 server forum stamecmd
  3. what server have you got with ovh if you got one of the gaming server you have to put the port in to there gaming firewall and if that do not work ad me on steam I can help http://steamcommunity.com/id/platchford
  4. put your server ip in the command line I get that error with gmod if I do not do -ip $[service.IpAddress]
  5. just add then to mount.cfg on your server and if that does not work add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/platchford and I well fix it for
  6. go and use the csgo.bat in C:\TCAFiles\Games
  7. yes you can just set where the Users games go to in servers and the server you want then game & voice settings
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