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  1. Hey there, I mentioned this on Discord, but it was suggested I post a feature request here as well. Currently, the tcadmin2install.exe is automatic for the most part, however it pops up a browser window when it's finished. For those of us automating the deploy process with scripts, this makes it tricky to know when the installation is done. We are unable to wait for the process to complete, because tcadmin2install.exe launches a browser window and the script waits for that window to be closed before continuing. This leads to a bit of a jury rigged script, where we have to run the installer without waiting for it and setting some kind of sleep time before continuing other operations that require the TCAdmin2 install to be completed. This creates a race condition, which is mitigated primarily by just waiting a longer time, which also increases the time of the installation. Most Windows installers that are expected to be used in automated deployments come with a "/silent" or "/quiet" command-line argument that makes the installer work without requiring any GUI interaction. It would be nice to have a similar argument for tcadmin2installer.exe that doesn't launch a browser when the install is finished.
  2. There is literally not a lot anyone can do about this, it is Rust. You could turn of nav generation to stop it but then expect complaints to the tune of 'my creatures won't move/things are not roaming' etc. But from memory did stop the CPU spiking issue but just created another issue. +nav_disable "True" Set the process to idle for 3 minutes then back to normal or somehow convince Rust to change fix it is the only real option and we all know that won't happen any time soon.
  3. A way to filter the tasks by hour would be handy too!
  4. Use the Steam version, which now has dedicated files. So no need for steam in the background. https://steamdb.info/app/1026340/ - No command line, just the exe. - Set ports in the config. - Do the above regarding console.
  5. Hi! Did you ever manage to get your Space Engineers repeat section for mods working?

    I'm attempting to do it now, but its proving very hard!



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