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Everything posted by webix

  1. Hello folks. I am trying to create a script to define the steamserveraccount key. But i have some troubles doing it because i don't know what type the variable is. Here's what i have done so far:
  2. webix


    I actually don't mind about the number of slots on rust servers. Like minecraft, i rather limit the memory/cpu consumption.
  3. I would need also a Arma3 up-to-date file. Can you please send a copy to me? Thanks.
  4. webix


    Where is the "like" button??? Thanks!
  5. webix


    ok.... can you point to the right direction?
  6. webix


    Is it too hard to modify the config file to work with the linux binaries?
  7. webix


    I must be dumb... But these are Linux binaries provided directly by steamcmd. Isn't it? https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Rust_Dedicated_Server Also, i see the Rust Dedicated Server on linux list here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Dedicated_Servers_List
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