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Everything posted by tinboye
so trying to figure out something with tcadmin2 when I execute a windows batch, I need the client to be able to manually enter user and password for their steam account. if you see here http://i.imgur.com/ErkRUpU.png the part for Custom Prompt: i cannot find anything on what i need to enter here, would i use %someuser% %somepass% seperated by spaces, or commas? or what format do i need here? in the script i have set /p login=Steam Login: echo. set /p pass=Steam Pass: echo. then later in the script it calls on that for echo. %steamcmdpath%\steamcmd +login %login% %pass% %list% +quit any help would be great. once I hammer out the details and test I will release the scripts so others can use this idea to add workshop items for their clients to use.
anyone have instructions on how i can allow my clients to run BEC along with their arma server
Is there anyway to have the mod manager show the info I put in the comments box. but not supply an install/uninstall link next to that mod? as soon as i remove the filename from windows/linux, then the mod is not shown to the client. I only want them to see info about the mod, but not be able to install said mod. I provide all the mods to the client using symbolic links. So there is no need for them to install their own copy. they only have read/list access to those folders under their root folder. But i still want to provide them with information on each mod they have available to them.
you could you something like Resilio Sync which uses bittorrents to sync across multiple locations. I use this to store selected files/folders to my home pc's spare hd,
does anyone have a copy of the icons?
I would love to see an option for tcadmin server owners can setup all the mods available to the client, but where all clients share 1 copy of the mod using symbolic junction. So if a client clicks on the mods icon, they are given a list of mods that are enabled by master/remote server owner. then they can checkmark or ctrl click in a multiple select box. this then adds them into their commandline. right now i have batch files to do this: "c:\pathto\steamcmd.exe" +login %username% %password% +set_steam_guard_code %sgc% +force_install_dir C:\ +"workshop_download_item %gameID% %workshopid%" validate +quit then it will download into C:\pathto\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\workshopid then I use symbolic Junction Link @Echo Off SET "ServerPath=%ThisService_RootDirectory%" :: :: ::Mod Name MKLINK /J %ServerPath%@modname C:\pathto\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\workshopid and it places the @modname into the root of the players account. I have restrictions set so the person cannot change/delete the folders via file manager/ftp. this saves space on the server so not every account has to use their own copy of the mod. hope this makes sense.
?SessionName=$[HostName]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?ServerPassword=$[PrivatePassword]?ServerAdminPassword=$[RConPassword]?listen" is what I use
did you match your batch file within commandline manager?
http://help.tcadmin.com/ThisService should provide you with the information
are you using the +rcon.web 1 in your commandline?
Im wondering if anyone can direct me to how i can go about having a batch file or ironpython script where a client could click to reset their own mysql password, and that information being stored in the db. I already followed this: http://help.tcadmin.com/Automatically_Create_a_MySQL_Database and I have it so once my mod is installed it auto creates the db/dbuser/pass and works for the phpmyadmin link. I do not want the mysql password to sync with the tcadmin users pass, want these seperate. I also need to know how i can go about a script to wipe their db if needed. thanks in advance.
being that bohemia has changed this, and now allows arma3.exe -client and arma3server.exe -client, you should no longer require a steam account to run a HC. I am still testing, and coming up with a way this can work via tcadmin2. If i figure it out i will post here.
i was setting this up for the person who pays for the server. He did not give me all the info LOL. And hadnt activated it yet. And its not to resell, it was just for his own teamspeak server so He didnt have to rent 1 from teamspeak3
can someone tell me if this is possible. I have an arma 3 server, and i have the server.cfg file where it specifies mission template. I am wanting it so the client, when editing the server.cfg via configuration editor, can choose the mission file via a dropdown, but I want it so the dropdown list is populated via a directory, so, if the folder mpmissions has say 3 different mission files in the folder, the dropdown will populate those 3 to choose from. here is a screenshot of what I have http://i.imgur.com/98Xf5nh.png am I doing this wrong, or is it just not possible to have it populate a list from a folder, DO i have to use the [ Configure Default Items ]
Trying to get teamspeak 3 setup in tcadmin, i have read over the document provided on tcadmin knowledgebase, but doesnt work. I am using windows 2008 r2 server. tcadmin v2 latest release I have the teamspeak installed at C:\teamspeak3-server_win64 I placed my licencekey.dat in the folder I ran ts3server.exe and it showed me the serveradmin and password. I then went into tcadmin, clicked on settings, teamspeak servers clicked new entered http://i.imgur.com/F15rT0R.png http://i.imgur.com/gxE8ObN.png then when I try to test connection I get http://i.imgur.com/lX3SqRg.png using my port checker this is the ports being used by programs: http://i.imgur.com/5fNhrTA.png nothing within that range. when i checked the logfile i had a txt with this 2017-01-06 19:27:15.792379|INFO |ServerLibPriv | |TeamSpeak 3 Server (2016-11-08 08:48:33) 2017-01-06 19:27:15.793379|INFO |ServerLibPriv | |SystemInformation: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (7601) x64 (AMD or Intel) Binary: 64bit 2017-01-06 19:27:15.793379|INFO |ServerLibPriv | |Using hardware aes 2017-01-06 19:27:15.831381|INFO |DatabaseQuery | |dbPlugin name: SQLite3 plugin, Version 3, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH 2017-01-06 19:27:15.831381|INFO |DatabaseQuery | |dbPlugin version: 3.11.1 2017-01-06 19:27:15.833381|INFO |DatabaseQuery | |checking database integrity (may take a while) 2017-01-06 19:27:15.856382|INFO |SQL | |db_CreateTables() tables created 2017-01-06 19:27:16.150399|ERROR |Accounting | |License ID: 206441 expired 2017-01-06 19:27:16.150399|ERROR |ServerLibPriv | |Server() error while starting servermanager, error: license date not ok my licence file is good for 512 slots purchased from teamspeak 3 anyone have any ideas.
ya im not sure, i have not changed anything, only updated the server via steam update, after a steam update it will work for a bit, then after server restart it seems to then fail. I have no other game services using these ports.
So since the recent update with rust, now tcadmin query errors. I ended up having to switch the query from half life 2 new, over to config file parser to get it to read the port.anyone know what changed with rust?
So with the latest Rust Servers, when you setup a server it creates a folder called Servers then a sub folder based on what you called your server eg. servers\my rust server\ inside there is cfg folder which would have a server.cfg which the server reads from that file to pull settings. My question is under configuration files it has a spot for relative path. is there a way to have it auto generate the path for the user. like having relative path as servers\$[HostName]\cfg\server.cfg or something like that in order for it to find the server.cfg file to edit.
i had created my own config for this, but since the latest update of the game, now my tcadmin will not stop sending me query failed errors. What are you using as your query selection, i was using half life 2 new. any idea why it is doing this?
So i am having an issue, not sure if its because the same variable has to be specified in the file multiple times or what. I have this xml file where i have to specify the game port 3 different times. So in my template file i have: <serverSettings> <socketAddresses> <socket address="" port="$[service.GamePort]" type="TCP"/> <socket address="" port="$[service.GamePort]" type="UDP"/> </socketAddresses> <adminTcpPort>$[service.GamePort]</adminTcpPort> when i try to go to the configuration editor as the user: i get a window saying: The variable Service.GamePort could not be read. The default value for this variable and the default template will be used. Previous configuration will be overwritten.
figured it out, it was under the files and folders settings for folder name was incorrect.
So i am trying to get this config file to populate certain variables but it just doesnt seem to want to populate certain fields so i am stumped. I have this config file for Out of Reach # Enter one VM parameter per line # To include another file, uncomment the following line and enter the file path: # -include-options [path to other .vmoption file] # DO NOT CHANGE THOSE VALUES UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING -classpath/p ./:lib/*:lib/jetty/lib/*:extensions/__lib__/* -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms2048M -Xmx2048M -Djava.library.path=lib/win64 # Put your parameters below # Binds server to given IP and port, Smartfox's configuration change is also required! Please refer to wiki for more details -Door.server.ip.address=$[service.IpAddress] -Door.server.port=$[service.GamePort] # Web console port -Door.server.console.port=$[service.CustomPort1] # Steam master server query port -Door.steam.master.server.updater.port=$[service.QueryPort] # Database host (with port number) -Door.database.host=localhost:5432 # Database user -Door.database.user=![oordatabaseuser] # Database password -Door.database.password=![oordatabasepassword] # Database name -Door.database.name=![oordatabasename] # Overrides default web console user #-Door.web.console.user=![wcuser] #-Door.web.console.pass=![wcpassword] # Maximum allowable amount of players, must be in range <1;100> -Door.max.players.count=$[service.Slots] # This paramater is only for compability purposes it will be removed soon -Door.send.heartbeat.to.legacy.master=false then i setup the variables: oordatabasename $ipy<%ReturnValue = ThisUser.Variables.GetValue('UserName')%> oordatabasepassword $ipy<%ReturnValue = ThisUser.Variables.GetValue('Password')%> oordatabaseuser $ipy<%ReturnValue = ThisUser.Variables.GetValue('UserName')%> wcpassword pass wcuser admin but for some reason when i go to edit the config file, it does not populate those 3 fields # Database user -Door.database.user=![oordatabaseuser] # Database password -Door.database.password=![oordatabasepassword] # Database name -Door.database.name=![oordatabasename] it keeps them as what the default file is, not from what the template indicates i basically want the db and username and their tcadmin password to be used for their postgresql user/pass as i have a batch file that runs when they install the game: @ECHO OFF setlocal SET PGHOST=localhost SET PGUSER=postgres SET PGPASSWORD=Password echo CREATE USER %ThisUser_UserName% with password '%ThisUser_Password%' NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION; CREATE DATABASE %ThisUser_UserName% WITH ENCODING='UTF8' OWNER=%ThisUser_UserName% CONNECTION LIMIT=-1; ALTER ROLE %ThisUser_UserName% SET search_path = %ThisUser_UserName%; | "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\psql.exe" -U postgres endlocal
go into your C:\TCAFiles\Games folder make a file called download_arma3.bat in that file have @echo off steamcmd +runscript download_arma3.txt pause then create another file calling it download_arma3.txt have // download_arma3.txt @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 //set to 0 if updating multiple servers at once @NoPromptForPassword 1 login username password force_install_dir C:\TCAFiles\Games\arma3 app_update 233780 validate quit then run the download_arma3.bat, after downloading then try to install the game via tcadmin.
So i created a new game config template for a game that was not yet in tcadmin. When i go to create service, and try and choose that game, its not appearing in the list of games. When i go into edit server, then game & voice settings, i have all games selected under allowed game list. and i can see the game in that list. anyone have any idea?
I do not own the game, but looked at the dedi server page and looks pretty straight forward on what you would need to use for variables and what not. http://www.wurmpedia.com/index.php/Server_administration_(Wurm_Unlimited) I will maybe see about making a config file and posting it here.